Citizenship dates Miami- Oath Ceremony


Registered Users (C)
I completed my citizenship interview on the 18th of this past May. I was informed by the ajudications officer that there would be an oath ceremony for this upcoming August. Has anyone received the notice for this ceremony? If so, did you just recently complete the interview (around my timeline). Did anyone just complete the test this May and is still awaiting their letter for the oath ceremony? I asked the officer about the status of my name check and he bluntly stated, " I am not authorized to divulge any information of that sort." Anyone receive that same response? If so, how can we try to find out if our name status check is complete? Thank you
thiagobarcelos said:
I completed my citizenship interview on the 18th of this past May. I was informed by the ajudications officer that there would be an oath ceremony for this upcoming August. Has anyone received the notice for this ceremony? If so, did you just recently complete the interview (around my timeline). Did anyone just complete the test this May and is still awaiting their letter for the oath ceremony? I asked the officer about the status of my name check and he bluntly stated, " I am not authorized to divulge any information of that sort." Anyone receive that same response? If so, how can we try to find out if our name status check is complete? Thank you
What is ur timeline

thiagobarcelos said:
I completed my citizenship interview on the 18th of this past May. I was informed by the ajudications officer that there would be an oath ceremony for this upcoming August. Has anyone received the notice for this ceremony? If so, did you just recently complete the interview (around my timeline). Did anyone just complete the test this May and is still awaiting their letter for the oath ceremony? I asked the officer about the status of my name check and he bluntly stated, " I am not authorized to divulge any information of that sort." Anyone receive that same response? If so, how can we try to find out if our name status check is complete? Thank you
Could you plss tell ur time line in Miami, I am from Orlando about to apply in December this year..plss tell me ur Timeline, how much time it takes to complete the process
Process has been a year so far. Completed N400 in June of last year. Did fingerprints in the end of October. Had interview on May 18th and now awaiting oath ceremony. A little over a year!
I have filed back in April 2004, had my interview on Feb 28, 2005 and still no news on the oath ceremony. Will keep you posted, please do the same.
Miami Timeline

Sent from Miami FL 03/23/05
Received at TX 03/25/05
Received 1st Notification fron INS
Fingerprints Notice: 04/19/05
Fingerprints Date: 05/12/05
Interview Notice: 07/30/05
Interview Date: 09/23/05

FOIPA Request
Sent from Miami FL 04/11/05
Received at FBI Headquarters Washington DC on 04/16/05
Received 1st Notification of IN_PROCESS from FBI 04/21/05
Received 2st Notification of PROCESSED (NO RECORD FOUND) from FBI 05/21/05

This is my timeline in Miami, everything is going fast so far, i filed a FOIPA request as i read in this forum, i don' know if that really made my process faster, but it worked for me,