Citizenship and DWI


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I applied for Citizenship in Aug 2003.Had my finger prints taken but no word after that for long time
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manj90 said:
Hello All,
I applied for Citizenship in Aug 2004 in NYC.Had my finger prints taken in Oct 2004.Unfortunately I had an DWI arrest in Feburary 2005.I am wandering how much damage I have done to my application ?I guess they will deny my application.After how long I will be able to apply again ?I had a prior arrest but NO Conviction(case was Dismissed).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you

PS: DONT EVER EVER drive after DRINKS.I got DWI arrest while I was going to grab something from Mac Donald which is 5 mins drive from house.DONT TAKE CHANCE.
Looks like you learned your lesson!
You are NOT going to be denied citizenship. The interviewer will ask you if you've got any tickets or have been arrested after you filed your application. Tell him about your DWI arrest. Make sure to have everything you need to prove that there was no conviction.
Good luck!
manj90 said:
Hello All,
I had a prior arrest but NO Conviction(case was Dismissed).
What about the first time you were arrested but not convicted? I hope the case was not the same; DWI, because if it was DWI, even though it was dismissed, it could affect your reputation as a moral citizen. In that case, the interviewer will have the discretion to approve or deny your application. But the way i look at it, you still have a pretty good change to getting the Citizenship if you were completely honest with them, and provided the complete set of documents that show that you have paid for your mistake/s.
Good Luck to you Manji, and don't give up that easy.
pray that you ll get a good interviewer and don't try to hide it. tell him the whole truth.