Citizenship after Asylum


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Dear All,

Please advise me in this question. I know it had been dicussed here bu maybe some new information is available.

I got GC after asylum in 12/2004. So, its almost 3 years till the Citizenship.
Asylum got approved in 2002. My question is there any quick way to apply for Citizenship or any exceptions since I already in the country more than 5 years? Please advise if there is any early applications is allowed.

Thank you!
It would be so nice if USCIS looked at our individual circumstances and counted the days we have been in here in US. But the N-400 eligibility rules are so clear sorry no exceptions in your case. You can only apply 90 days earlier than the 5th Anniversary of your Green Card. It will be the day your received your GC in 12/2004 + 5 years = 12/2009 (but can apply 90 day early for the Citizenship) and nothing to do with the day you Asylum got approved or your status before that.
Since you obtain your GC through Asylum and your case was approved in 2002, under the law one year of your residency prior to your adjustment of status is counted towards naturalization residency requirement. Check your card and share with us what date is stated on the line "resident Since." With that date you can calculate when you can apply for the N-400
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To add to what I said above, it might be the case that you have to count 2002 or 2003 as your start date instead of 2004 in which case you'd be eligible to apply much sooner than you think. Please let us know what it says on your card.
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Dear All,

Please advise me in this question. I know it had been dicussed here bu maybe some new information is available.

I got GC after asylum in 12/2004. So, its almost 3 years till the Citizenship.
Asylum got approved in 2002. My question is there any quick way to apply for Citizenship or any exceptions since I already in the country more than 5 years? Please advise if there is any early applications is allowed.

Thank you!

Is your Greencard backdated to 2002?
To add to what I said above, it might be the case that you have to count 2002 or 2003 as your start date instead of 2004 in which case you'd be iligible to apply much sooner than you think. Please let us know what it says on your card.

Are you sure NewlyMinted? Is getting an Asylum = Getting a Permanent Residence status?

Alex001, as supercomp asked, what is the date (PR as of) on your Green card? or was your Passport stamped with I-551 and when?
Yes, I am sure. Under the law you have to wait one year after the approval of your Asylum case to adjust your status, but that is counted towards your naturalization.
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Yes, I am sure. Under the law you have to wait one year after the approval of your Asylum case to adjust your status, but that is counted towards your naturalization.

Thank you NewlyMinted you are right, I stand corrected after researching it little more....

Generally, a legal permanent resident can apply to naturalize, or become a U.S. citizen, five years after obtaining a "green card." When asylees get their "green card" it is backdated one year, meaning that they can apply to naturalize four years after obtaining residence.
Hi ALL and THANK YOU for all responses.

Unfortunately on my Green Card it states "Resident since 12/2004". This is because I've got card in 2005 and it was backdated only 1 year. But Asylum approval is on 2002.

So, based on that information any exceptions in Law towards residency requirements?

Thank you again!
Alex001 unfortunately not. You are eligible to apply only after 5 years of your residence since date Like in your case Residence since is 12/2004 so you will be eligible to apply 12/ 2009 minus 90 days. Consider yourself lucky that you got your GC after 2 years of your asylum approval ,lot of people applied for GC in 97 still waiting for to receive their GC
Good Luck