Ciba, Please help


Registered Users (C)
I am currently in I-485 stage and work in San Diego with a company.
I feel I am being Harrassed by my employer. What legal action I can take without affecting my GC application and at the same time prevent myself from getting fired. Please help Gurus, I am really tense.

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Since you say you are in 485 stage, I would suggest you wait patiently until it is cleared.
Meanwhile, you can quietly collect the evidence of harrassment. Once you get GC stamped,
you may file lawsuit, if you can afford. If you can not afford, you may show the finger to
your employer, tell him to lick your ass and walk out.
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Hi helper007,

Sorry to hear your trouble at work. I agree with sirip that you
should try to hang on to your job until your I-485 is approved.
I know it is difficult under your current working condition, but
a little endurance right now can save you trouble down the road.
Once you get your green card, you are free as a bird and can
switch jobs at will. So try to hang in there.
