Chinese Ex-Wife Won't Leave USA


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Hi...I don't know where to turn for help with this. I am a US Citizen; I was living in Arizona when this took place. I met a woman from China in 1995-1996 and we corresponded for a year before I went over to meet her. She wanted in the worst way to come to America and I thought she was nice. We seemed to get along okay, I asked her to marry me, and I returned to the U.S. I went back to China in May, 1997, to accompany her back to the US. She came on a fiance visa. I believe I filed an I-485. We were married in a private ceremony in August, 1997. I need to say that my family was totally against the marriage. Apparently she was also. She refused any sexual relations...before and after the marriage. I lived like that for 4 years--she had a separate bedroom and everything. Still, I didn't cheat on her. I did a lot of traveling and was gone a lot, but she was such a terror that it was nice to be away from home all the time. Needless to say, no kids came from this marriage.

In October, 1999, she started a new job with an insurance company. She immediately began doing odd things, like hysterical laughing to herself, talking to herself, just generally doing really weird things. Then in 2000, she accused her manager of making sexual advances towards her. She notified the entire HR and company about this. That's not the bad thing: She said that the sexual advances were made to her IN HER MIND, that he was communicating with her without talking to her. The company did the right thing and tried to get her medical help. I went with her. She was diagnosed as schizophrenic but the psychologist doing the evaluation said she had to go see a psychiatrist for treatment because she needed medicine. My wife refused to see a "mental doctor" and went on to say that the manager needed the medical treatment since he was the one talking to her in her head. I couldn't do anything to force her to go to the psychiatrist. The manager filed a restraining order against her because she harassed and threatened him. She was fired.

In 2000 and 2001, she attacked me during her hysterical laughing/crying sessions; she wanted to go confront this former manager and she wanted me to go along with her--I flat-out refused. She bit, clawed and spit at me. I called 9-1-1 the second time and she was arrested for domestic violence and criminal damage to property (she destroyed a lot of stuff in our apartment). The police took photos of my injuries; I didn't hurt her except to restrain her from throwing any more glassware, plants and electronic equipment. She spent 24 hours in jail (no way I was bailing her out) calling from the jail phone every 10-15 minutes; I eventually left the phone off the hook just to get some peace. I began moving stuff out of the apartment in preparation for divorce. I wasn't going to live like that anymore. When she returned, she didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to her. She missed her court hearing the following month so a warrant was issued for her arrest. I actually called one time to tell the police where she was and they came and picked her up. Anyway, I went on to file for divorce. She was served papers and I know she had them because when I came home from a business trip, she threw them in my face and said, "You want divorce, you take care of it!" So I did. I filed a restraining order against her and she was served with that as well. She was ordered to stay away from me and the apartment we had shared because of her violent behavior, though she continued to return while I was out of town (she would be gone when I returned). She never did respond to the no-fault divorce summons so the marriage ended with a decree of dissolution by default. I did everything legally within my means to end the situation. She was arrested twice more on violation of the restraining order. The police who picked her up said they were quite familiar with my ex-wife.

I notified INS that I was divorced from her and wished to withdraw my Affidavit of Support. I never heard from them, so I don't know if that is protocol or not. I assumed she left the USA because I didn't hear from her for about 4 years. Various friends and others would say she had tried to call them but they never answered their phones when she called. I changed jobs, moved from the state, married my current U.S.-born wife and proceeded to have 2 kids with her. She has 2 from a previous marriage. I am so glad to be rid of the Chinese woman, you have no idea. I don't want to have anything more to do with her, nor do I want my family exposed to her anymore. BUT SHE ISN'T LEAVING THE U.S.!

Her work-order expired in 2002. I don't know how she's living here, how she's paying her way, etc. I don't even know how she's driving without the work permit. She never had a Green Card...she never pursued it and I wasn't going to force her to do it, based on our circumstances.

Last year, my mother received a HUGE packet of papers from this former wife of mine. Over the course of the past year, she continued sending these packets of so-called legal papers, which pretty much detail all the "concealable abuse" her former manager heaps upon her via some sort of spy satellite. It's incredible--she accuses the US Government, China, the manager, Chinese actresses, the Chinese Church in Phoenix, anybody who goes against her of conspiracy (they make her itch and hurt; he breathes on her when she's sleeping, talks to her constantly, etc.). 20 or more pages every time. She's obviously very ill. I don't know if the government is taking her seriously or not. She just rambles on and on about crazy stuff. She insists that she didn't sign any divorce agreement and so therefore she is not divorced from me. She is writing various branches of the government that I am a bigamist, a liar, criminal, etc. She wrote a letter for me to sign (yeah, right) addressed to the US President that I wanted him to stop this former manager's concealable abuses. She writes that she wants to kill this former manager and sometimes me. She was calling my mom and hanging up on her; I finally was at my wit's end with my mom calling, upset, that this person was calling/writing to her, so I wrote my ex-wife an email telling her we were divorced and to knock it off. I should have left it alone but she was harassing my mom. Now she is writing me these long emails, diatribes, conspiracy theories, threats, etc. to me. She says she's lost several jobs due to "odd" behavior, talking to herself, being a "felon" (don't know what that's about, unless it has something to do with the restraining order or a hit and run property-damage accident she caused 1 1/2 years ago in a parking lot after she was fired from a job). This is definitely NOT somebody we want in this country. I feel like I can't drop the email because it's an outlet for her and since I gave an email address to her (specifically meant for her and nobody else) she hasn't bugged my mom, which was my original intention.

I married her in good faith. I thought that she was the woman for me and I acted upon it. Obviously she had different intentions by not wanting to BE a real wife. I just don't know how to proceed from here. Did I do something wrong by divorcing her and writing INS about it? Am I illegal about anything I did? I spoke with a couple different agents, one at Homeland Security and one at USCIS about this--both of them told me that I wasn't responsible for her any longer. But I don't have anything in writing saying this. I was told to go to law enforcement and file another restraining order if the problems and harassment continued, but I am not in the Phoenix area any longer and it would be financially- and time-constraint-difficult to get down there at this time. I did send information about her alleged illegal status to the sheriff of Maricopa County but I haven't heard anything yet. I'm embarrassed to go to our local law enforcement because it's not happening here; we're in a smaller town and well, it's embarrassing.

All I can say is that I feel so stupid and foolish for having gotton myself into this mess. I'm really distressed about it, and my current wife is also. I am embarrassed that my family has to go through this, that my current wife is witnessing all this, that I have this noose around my neck from years ago that just isn't going away. I should never have married her...I know this now, but hindsight is perfect. I can't imagine anyone has had anything quite like this happen, and if they have, I can't find it on the site. What do I do now? Any help would be appreciated.

(PS Sorry for the long post--it's a long story)

If you are legally divorced, you are no longer responsible for her. Is her status in the US now illegal?? Even if she is, ICE isn't going to start looking for her and the local police probably won't either. However, if she commits another crime and gets locked up, you need to make sure the Sheriff's Department knows her status and ask them to notify ICE before they release her. Make sure the Sheriff knows all of the details about her mental state and past arrests.

Actually, there are some issues now concerning whether China will take back it's citizens if the US tries to deport them. But that is being worked out.
Dear Juan,
Thanks for your reply...I didn't think I was still responsible for her. However, she has been continually bombarding me with these emails that I have done something terribly illegal and that I am a criminal for what I have done to her. I know I shouldn't respond anymore to her. I have tried on numerous occasions to write her to explain the situation and every time she writes back more and more angry that I am committing bigamy because I remarried, etc. I think she might know which state I'm living in now. She demands I leave my current wife and family and return to her, that I owe her the money I make, that I DECEIVED HER...everything to make me feel incredibly guilty. And on top of that, she is accusing everyone she knew or worked with to be in conspiracy against her. She says of the insurance company, "It is murder to think what they do to me." She speaks a broken English...who the heck knows if she means she's coming to get those people for what they supposedly did to her. I know I made a mistake here and I tried to fix it. It drives me crazy that I have to ask law enforcement to fix the problem I started.

My current wife keeps telling me that it's not my fault my ex went crazy and how could I possibly know it would end like this? Maybe she was like this back in China? Would it be possible to write CSCIS again to tell them that the marriage was a sham on her part, that she had no intention of being a real wife? Nobody ever investigated our marriage, though they should have. I did everything by the book, loved her (at first), paid for her to come here, paid all the fees associated with this, supported her, treated her with gifts and trips to see her new country, and this is what I get. Shame on me.

Yes, she is illegal in this country now. Do I just have to wait for her to kill somebody before they will do something about her? Or am I under obligation to report more of what I know/have read to protect the citizens of this great country? It seems when I have written to senators, INS, etc., I have received nothing and/or a terse response..."We have bigger fish to fry."

Thanks for your input!
I have received nothing and/or a terse response..."We have bigger fish to fry."

Keep on them. You can call Immigration and Customs Enforcement directly at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE

I know that sending threats even by e-mail is illegal. Laws differ by state. You can also report her to her internet service provider. I would also encourage others who receive her e-mails to report them to her internet service provider.
Involuntary Confinement

In California there is a law for involuntary confinement, its the Code 5150. If the person is diagnosed with a mental disorder and is a threat to oneself or others, this person can be confined until a court hearing can be arranged. The court will decide if the person is incapacitated and thus will need a conservatorship.

Find out if there is a similar law in your state. This law will allow a police officer to incarcerate her in a facility for 30 days, treated by a medical person while waiting for the trial (period can extend if court date is not available).

Research this law further and see if it can apply to you.

So sorry to hear what happened.
Thanks for all your help, Chosenjuan and kerol! I have started reporting her threatening and harassing emails to her provider and they promised that they had dealt with the situation in the appropriate manner, since the email she sent me (that I forwarded to them) was harassing. I actually sent 3 of the emails but they only responded to one. Then a couple hours later, another email from her arrived, so they didn't cancel her email...probably just gave her a warning. A lot of good that will do me. I'll keep sending them the threatening emails. One portion of the email states, "Who is murder? ______ is murder. ______ _____ Insurance Company is murder..." and "a woman would try to kill another woman because of jealous." She also claims she would be a "hero" if she killed her former manager. She keeps writing government officials to force them to send me back to her and accused me of bigamy to at least one state governor and a state senator. If anything, this is libel, but I don't have the funds to pursue a legal case against her. :mad: I'm no longer writing her but it's still upsetting.

I will look into the option of trying to get her into some type of involuntary treatment facility. I am not in the same area of the country that she is and I have no desire to be her "next of kin" as she has alienated me and everyone else who befriended her here. I'll have to contact the sheriff's department again with more information.

Thanks again.
Having said your story, here is my friends story

davewi said:
Thanks for all your help, Chosenjuan and kerol! I have started reporting her threatening and harassing emails to her provider and they promised that they had dealt with the situation in the appropriate manner, since the email she sent me (that I forwarded to them) was harassing. I actually sent 3 of the emails but they only responded to one. Then a couple hours later, another email from her arrived, so they didn't cancel her email...probably just gave her a warning. A lot of good that will do me. I'll keep sending them the threatening emails. One portion of the email states, "Who is murder? ______ is murder. ______ _____ Insurance Company is murder..." and "a woman would try to kill another woman because of jealous." She also claims she would be a "hero" if she killed her former manager. She keeps writing government officials to force them to send me back to her and accused me of bigamy to at least one state governor and a state senator. If anything, this is libel, but I don't have the funds to pursue a legal case against her. :mad: I'm no longer writing her but it's still upsetting.

I will look into the option of trying to get her into some type of involuntary treatment facility. I am not in the same area of the country that she is and I have no desire to be her "next of kin" as she has alienated me and everyone else who befriended her here. I'll have to contact the sheriff's department again with more information.

Thanks again.

My Friend married a girl from Russia after his 1st wife's death, He spent most of his wealth on her to make her happy.She used all his wealth and enjoyed her life. When she got her green card he came to know his bank was empty and she wire tr lot of money to russia to her Boyfriend. Once she got green card she was a diff: person. She started to fight with her husband and his children. She filed a case with local police for domestic violance and Harrasment. Poor guy can never do that, He can only love her.Any way recently he had to sell his house and move to an appartment since he broke financially. They went through a nasty divorce and he lost all his money. Now his father help him financially. He had 3 kids from prior marriage. He comes to my house some time and we talk. She prented love and waited for her turn when GC arrived. Look like she wants to bring her boy friend from russia and live together... Some good people get this kind of bad people to ruin their life...

Any, you should be lucky she is gone out of your life...
Chinese ex-wife

Dear mamamiax: Yes, I am fortunate that she is somewhat out of my life. I just wish she would leave me and my family alone! That's too bad what happened to your friend. In a way, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone through this. My ex was pretty stupid for not responding to the divorce summons but she knew about it and refused to do anything about it--I didn't hide it from her. The appropriate time passed and the divorce went through by default. After the divorce was final, suddenly she was like, "Hey, wait a minute! I didn't sign any papers!" And she starts this letter-writing campaign four years later. She had her opportunity. I gave her back all the stuff she accumulated during the marriage and all the stuff she brought from China before the marriage and I took my stuff (my apartment was complete with my own furnishings and dishes, etc. when she came here) but sometimes she mentions that she didn't get any of the stuff that belonged to me, that we didn't go through any "legal" property separating procedure. Anyway, how could I when she didn't respond to the divorce? I wasn't going to sit around and wait for her to figure it out--she was always ranting that this former manager guy was out to get her (and he's the one who filed the restraining order AGAINST her!). Either that or she wasn't talking to me at all. That's why it's put in the divorce that all items owned PRIOR to marriage return to the respective owners...she got out what she came in with. She refused to get help for her illness, even when presented with the facts, and she was fired from her jobs due to odd behavior, behavior, incidentally, that she was saying was perfectly normal because she was under "mental attack." Oh brother. If someone refuses help that's offered, it's their own fault for what happens later.

Given that she waited so long to contest the divorce, I suppose that doesn't bode well for USCIS granting her citizenship, huh? She wants to put "citizen" down on employment applications (so she writes) and that "citizen" is her legal right since she "got married an U.S. Citizen. And I have never filed to get divorce. One person cannot file for divorce. Marriage is two-persons right. Divorce should be with two-persons signature." She writes the same crap over and over. I don't think she has a "legal right" to be a citizen any longer but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get her to leave (since she figures China is out to get her). Nobody in the various branches of government that I've written seems to want to help me. I'm going to keep at it though.

Good luck to your friend!
Your problem is one of mental illness, family and criminal law to a much larger extent than immigration law. The goverment indeed has bigger fish to fry than just your average nutcase ex-wive. Criminal law is a blunt sword against the effects of mental illness.

If you try to use the immigration authorities to get rid of your problem, things could backfire. She could file under one of the battered spouse or victims of trafficking categories and get you into trouble. All she needs for that is a good hearted femininist attorney.
Chinese ex-wife

Hadron, You've given me some real food for thought here. If she hasn't been in contact with me for four years after the divorce, was served but never contested anything, was arrested for abusing ME and had restraining orders placed against her, including by her former manager, which she was arrested for going against, hit and run, etc., she could still get a case for being a battered spouse and/or trafficking (even though I never laid a hand on her, and she was the one who didn't want a real marriage, though now she says she does)? Is this something I should just ignore and hope it goes away? I really can see your point. Maybe muddying the waters is what she wants so she can force the issue.!
Is this something I should just ignore and hope it goes away?

Take whatever steps you have to take to avoid her and her stalking behaviour. Criminal law doesn't really help too much if she is truly nuts, for starters I would avoid reading her emails (and certainly answering them).
If she calls, inform her that you are taping her calls. If she comes to your house, videotape her behaviour and call the cops etc. It hasn't worked so far, but you got to do whatever the law requires. The police in this country is pretty inept. The only time they will act against stalkers is after someone gets killed. If you can document physical threats, maybe that kicks your local keystone cops into gear.

The threat of her turning everything on you is real. By being male and a citizen, you are presumed guilty. Maybe you are better off with her remaining nuts (god forbid and she gets on meds and calms down enough to 'remember' all the abuse she had to endure at your hands).
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Chinese ex-wife

Thanks for taking the time to respond, hadron! I appreciate your honest and forthright answers. I will continue to document what she's doing as far as I can but won't contact her again willingly (I'm sure my current wife will appreciate this information as well). I am reasonably safe where I am that she won't find me, but she does probably know where my mom lives. That's what scares me--she hated my mom when she was with me.

At least with her remaining nuts (and not calmed down enough to "remember" all I did to her and NOT that she bit, scratched and cut my arms and face when she attacked me--police have pictures of this, by the way, when they arrested her) she honestly seems a little easier to deal with. No way do I want to deal with being guilty for something I didn't do.
Chinese Ex-Wife

No, my mom hasn't filed a restraining order. It's tough to explain...she's in her 70s, was an immigrant herself from Germany in the 1950s, speaks English but German is primary language, and my dad (who was also an immigrant from Slovakia after WWII) took care of her. She doesn't even know how to balance her checkbook (I have to do it when she sends the statements once a month). My dad's gone 8 years now. She isn't very worldly, has trouble understanding even basic legal stuff, and I would have to be there to walk her through it, and it's just not possible to be there at this time. I just have to hope my ex doesn't show up there. She hasn't yet, but I'm not putting anything past her. It's a very good suggestion and the next time I'm in Phoenix I will try to convince her to do it. I certainly need to do it as well. My ex does have a history of walking through restraining orders so a lot of good it will do us, but at least we'd have a sheet of paper telling the police that this person is out to get us.

I am continuing to document the items she sends via email. I think she is recognizing that she is divorced now, at least somewhat, but she still thinks it's not possible because she didn't file for herself. Now she says not only do I owe her the money I make, my family owes her something as well. I think she's getting Chinese law confused with American law.

She sent something to a prominent Massachusetts senator about how she was afraid her social security number was under attack, and he wrote back that he was defending social security against the president. He (or his staffers) totally didn't "get" what she was writing about. I have a feeling that's what most people are seeing when they're reading her junk--it's just not worth trying to understand. I understand it because I know her and what she is referring to, most of the time, anyway. She sends us this crap all the time and it's ludacris what she writes. I'm sure they all think she's just blowing hot air or is really unstable. No law against being unstable...just laws against libel, terroristic threats, etc.

She isn't very worldly, has trouble understanding even basic legal stuff, and I would have to be there to walk her through it, and it's just not possible to be there at this time.

Well, if your nutcase ex hasn't harassed her yet, it would be difficult to get the order in the first place.
The victims assistance office at your local prosecutors office can be helpful to get restraining orders filed.

My ex does have a history of walking through restraining orders so a lot of good it will do us, but at least we'd have a sheet of paper telling the police that this person is out to get us.

Well, its one of the few tools you have. Got to use the lawful tools.

She sent something to a prominent Massachusetts senator about how she was afraid her social security number was under attack, and he wrote back that he was defending social security against the president.

The staffers of congresspeople are very used to dealing with loonies.

I'm sure they all think she's just blowing hot air or is really unstable. No law against being unstable...just laws against libel, terroristic threats, etc.

All you can do is to create as much of a paper trail as possible.