changing school after getting f1


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Hello i wanna ask you. for example if i take i-20 from one school and get visa with this i-20.After entering USA may i go another school directly.Or firstly Do i need to go my school which is written in my visa.

Hello i wanna ask you. for example if i take i-20 from one school and get visa with this i-20.After entering USA may i go another school directly.Or firstly Do i need to go my school which is written in my visa.


You cannot attend another school directly after entering the US. The school whose I-20 you used to obtain the visa is your sponsor and you must report to them.
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So is it good to take b2 prospective student visa and search school in USA ?because if i take f1 i must go for one semester.
F1 transfer

A new initial F-1 student wants to transfer to another school and asks, “What do I need to do?”
The student must report to your school by the program start date listed on his or her Form I-20. Reporting does not have to be in person, it may be via e-mail, telephone, and/or fax.

As with any other F-1 transfer, the student must provide written verification of his or her acceptance at another SEVP-certified school.

If the student has been accepted by another SEVP-certified school with a program start date that is within 30 days of the student’s initial admission into the United States, you must transfer the student’s SEVIS record. Follow the directions below for transferring an Initial record.

If the student does not have a program start date at the transfer-in school that is within 30 days of his or her initial admission into the United States, the student may do one of the following:

Enroll for a full course of study at your school. Once the student’s record is Active, he or she may request a transfer following the procedures above.

Withdraw his or her acceptance to your school, leave the United States, and obtain a new Form I-20 from the school they wish to attend. After exiting the U.S., they will have to pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee. The student must exit the United States within 15 days. Since the student entered the United States, and reported to your school, you must make the record Active and then terminate it for Authorized Early Withdrawal. Use this option only if you know the student plans to leave the United States.
If the student does not choose one of the options above and fails to enroll for classes, terminate the student’s SEVIS record for Failure to Enroll. The student may then ask to have his or her Terminated record transferred.
- So, it looks like initial transfer is possible as long as the other school starts within 30 days of entering the U.S. Only if the other school does not start within 30 days, either you have to go back and get a new F1 or enroll in the original school. There is no requirement to attend at least a semester.
visa-aspirant is correct, the key is that you MUST be able to start school at the NEW school within 30 days after your entry into the US. Here are the things you will need to have achieved before the 30 days deadline is up:

* The student has made a written application to the school;

* The school has received, reviewed, and evaluated the application in the United States, along with transcripts or other records of courses taken, proof of financial responsibility, and other supporting documents;

* The appropriate school authority has determined that the prospective student meets all standards for acceptance; and

* The school official responsible for admission has accepted the student for enrollment in a full course of study.

If you don't start the new program within the 30 days period, you have to start school at your OLD school or leave the country altogether. Even if you can transfer to a new school after you register for classes at the old school, you might be liable for part or all of that semester's tuition.

For more information, see

However, you MUST report to the first school first and request a transfer from them.