Changing Job - Urgent Help needed!!!


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I am considering new job opportunity and would like to know if I should notify USCIS about job change and if yes then what is the process of notifying or I can wait until I hear from USCIS and do nothing?

I am going to use my EAD for transition to the new position.

ND 1/9/02
FP1 5/17/02
RFE rcvd 9/23/03
FP2 10/9/03
When I switched jobs last March, I had my new company send out a letter to the USCIS notifying the change. My lawyer drafted the letter and I got that printed on the company letter head and signed by my boss. My GC was approved last week without any RFE.
One Question,

Receivd RFE on 08/26/03 and Replied RFE on 09/09/03
I am Waiting for My GC Approval
Dec 23,03 My Project was completed and I got perminanet Job On January. Could you please tell me what is my next step please

Still I need to communicated INS for change of Job
What is the application form do I need's to submit
How do I proccee with this.

Al-ready RFE receivd and Replied. So Can I Update to INS or NOT

Please help me out on this situation
detroit485, are you still working for the same company, and is your job title/description the same? If this is the case, then it wouldn't really be necessary to notify USCIS regarding your change to permanent from temp.
I am working diffrent Company

My 485 is Processing from ABC Company(Desi)

My Recp Date was 01/14/2002
RFE Received on 08/26/03
RFE Replied and Dated on 09/09/03

My Clinet job thru ABC Company was completed due to budjet cuts

I got JOB from XYZ company to another Client

Could you please give me the reply in this type of situation
since you are so close to being approved, i would suggest that you talk to your lawyer, and send a letter to USCIS stating that you are going to use AC-21 and work for the new XYZ company.

If you get your 485 approved before you use AC21, legally you will need to work for 6-12 months for the desi company. Unless your lawyer can find a loop-hole and it would be ok.

Did you switch job in same state or state outside of your geographical location by which Service centers are divided.

I want to know if your file was transferred from one center tto another.

Guru Sir

One More Clarification Before Taking Appointment to lawyer

If my ABC Company Does not have any Objections still I need to Apply AC21 or Can Sit tight and watch for Approval

I guess we are in the same boat and from the same state (MI).

I would like to know if it is absolutely essential for new company to contact USCIS or as you mentioned "Sit tight and watch for Approval".

Immigration community - your HELP is greatly appreciated!
Guru Sir

One More Clarification Before Taking Appointment to lawyer

If my ABC Company Does not have any Objections still I need to Apply AC21 or You want me to Sit tight and watch for Approval

But if you sit tight and get the approval for your previous company, then you have to work for atleast 6-12 months for the previous company, failling to do so may result in your GC being revoked. Don't think that once you get your GC, you are allowed to do anything.
You get the GC with the need of a future employment for the company who filled your 140, if after you get the GC and you quit and join another company, USCIS will not be very happy with it since it basically will mean that the 140/485 was filled with false intention.
So if you want to sit tight and wait for your approval, u can do that, but be adviced that you won't be able to start working for XYZ right away.
6-12 months in the original company .. after GC is obtained

Hi Guju
Is that right ? All I heard was when one files for citizenship after 5 years (or whatever) after the GC , questions can be raised as to why the person left the sponsoring employer soon after getting the GC.

Do you have any more info on this from any other sites/forums that you would like to share with us ? Have you seen cases of GC revoking ?

RD 12/14/01
I don't know of any cases of GC being revoked. The only immigration related forum I visit is this one, so you can do a search on this forum itself.

starbucks, you are right, I also think that these questions may be raised when you go for your citizenship, but it is also possible that some officer (when they have some free time) might want to do a random check/review of any random case to make sure it was not a fraud. And if you are shit out of luck, your case can be picked up. However, there is no hard evidence that this has happened in the past (i don't think these IIOs will have any free time for a while)

Even if there is a 0.1% chance that the questions will be raised and other times you can slide by, you need to ask yourself, if you are willing to take that chance.

I think I might take the chance.
to invoke AC21, you or your lawyer has to send a letter to USCIS explaining what job you are taking up, how it is simillar to the job on LC and stuff like that, you will also be asked for supporting documents like an employment letter from your new employer.

Talk to your lawyer.