Changing job after GC...Question.


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Dear all:
I know this topic has been beaten to death. We got our GC on Nov.29th. I intended to continue working for my company for a long long time. Then after two weeks i got an interview call at another company and after the selection process, i was offered a similiar job for 33% more salary. I have accepted it and plan to make my move in another month or so.
Websites have mentioned that the intent at the time of immigrating is what matters. I will appreciate your comments on this matter. Thanks in advance.
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You can always check to see if the current company is willing to match the raise. Who knows, you may be surprised :)

Good luck!
I was referred.. and got call for interview directly.

Thanks for replying to my post. I was referred to this position and the company contacted me and invited me to interview.. happenened a week- 2 weeks AFTER our GC. I did not know of this company\'s existence till the day they sent me an email inviting me to interview. Things moved fast and i was made the job offer on Jan.3rd. I do plan to talk to my present employer My boss was out of town all of last month. I have signed on the offer letter to join the other compnay..If my company is prepared to match the salary i may want to stay. Is it ok to say no to the other company now?!!

I think you are fine, since the time is when you stamped your passport
you become a PR. So there are at least some time before you receice
the plastic card.
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     ..If my company is prepared to match the salary
     i may want to stay. Is it ok to say no to the
     other company now?!!

Well, it is always a difficult position. However I am pretty sure your employer put you in difficult positions before, so they should be fine with you playing hard-ball now.

I was in the exact same position a long time ago. I went through a week of tough talks with the guys in the first company and we found (to our mutual surprise) that yes we are a best fit than we though originally. Then I went to the new company, sat down with my prospective boss and told him I cannot accept the offer.

I am still with the same company and they have been great to me. Not thinking about leaving any time soon. Of course in this economy there are always surprises, they may let me go.

Sometimes in the national parks they light fires to clean up all the clutter and let the strong trees grow. This image may be of help to you in your present situation - or maybe not.

Good luck!
Thanks..I feel uneasy about going back on my accpetance after i have signed

the papers. But as you said.. if my present compnay does match my salary.. I will have to overlook the guilt part and inform the new company that i cannot make it after all!
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My advice is to evaluate your current company, if it is a typical american company who has very little idea about immigration laws then jump, they will actually treat you as any other guy.

If not stick with them for 6 months atleast.
Thanks. I talked to some lawyers and my guess is no one knows what is ..

the time frame after which one is safe. My company couldn\'t care less about my status. So i am going to take the risk and jump. Thank you all for your opinions.
Change of Job after Green Card!


  I got my green card 2 months back. I am currently not on a project and my company is not marketing me effectively. I got an better offer from different company. Can I resign from my employer? If so, will it cause any problems for applying for citizenship later.

Thanks in advance,
Similar question..

I know everyone gets the same question after GC approval. My company (an american firm familiar with INS processes though), sub-contracts through a big consulting firm. I used to work at the client site directly through my firm, but after the client has outsourced the project to this big firm, the big firm worked with my firm to take me as a sub-contractor. This agreement was made on a contract to hire basis (pending GC approval) and happened before my GC got approved. I got my GC approved and stamped (this month). My question is, "Is it safe to make the switch to the big firm if my current firm is fine with it?". My firm will be compensated by the big firm as I have a contract with my firm to atleast work for an year after GC approval. Please post your thoughts..
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Why don\'t you treat this transaction as a business one: make an investment and get a consultation with an immigration lawyer as the cost to get better salary or security?

IMO getting a lawyer is more of an \'insurance policy\'. In the unlikely case that something turns wrong later you are partially prepared to react to it.

Remember, most of the time you get what you pay for. JoeF and other gurus on this site warned you of a possible legal issue. How much more do you think you will get for free? Not trying to be critical, just realistic.

Good luck in your quest for happiness!
AC21 allows changing jobs after 180 days if I-485 is unadjudicated...

If INS could allow a person to change jobs after 180 days after filing I-485 (even if that person did not get a GC), why should they mind if a person changes jobs after getting GC?

Any thoughts?
Working after 485 approval

Good points JoeF.

What does the immigration law state about working after 485 is approved? Can one change companies and after how long? Can one change occupations (in the same company or other) and after how long after getting 485 approval?
When you people said "adjudicated" or "got green card", does it ...

mean I485 approval or passport stamping or got plastic card?
Goto discussion "Hot Topic for Feb 20: The AOS 180 day rule"

Hello all,

In Rongotcher\'s site imminfo, discussion board..
Mr. Gotcher himself started a discussion in the "Adjustment of status issues" forum with the topic name "Hot Topic for Feb 20: The AOS 180 day rule"... you will find some good discussion going on..

Thanks to JoeF

JoeF, Thanks for your answers and the immInfoAnalysis document. It helps a great deal in the midst of unclear law. I would like to stick with my current employer but sometimes (actually many times), they make it too hard for me. Thanks again for your answers.
what about this situation: change job after got GC

We have got a lot of discussion here. But I have another question, similiar but a little different:

What if your present employer would not care your leaving, or you could make them not concern about your leaving? That means the present employer will not notify or complain to INS about your leaving after getting GC, I mean "definitely not". Will INS possibly know you are changing jobs and give you any trouble?

I am just curious about this kind of situation, although I have already got my GC but I have no intention to change job soon, especially during such a not good economy period.
Advice with Green Card Apllication


My company(consulting) filed for my labor in June 2000. As of date I am getting an offer from the company(client) where I am consulting. I would not want to leave them because of a bad job market as It may be difficult(almost impossible possibly) to get another project later on.
If I do not join the client they most probably will hire another person. If I do join them my Green Card processing would be affected.

What is advisable to try and save my job and the time already spent in the processing of the Green Card(advertisements and labor)?

Any suggestions as per the new law of transferring employer for green card processing after tabour?

Labor approval at present seems to be stuck?Any thoughts on how it is expected to progress?

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Sorry JoeF. I am new to this site. Will do that. Thanks for your guidance and apologies for being stupid.
