Changing address while 485 pending


Registered Users (C)

This might sound like a weird question, but I have to ask it...

Can anybody tell me if changing residence/address while awaiting 485 approval from VSC causes delays/problems? I have heard that most people suggest to "do nothing" while 485 is pending, and change of address sometimes triggers unnecessary RFEs (VSC assumes new address = new job) or other problems. I know a friend of friend who maintained his old apartment until 485 approval even after he moved to another city with a different job.

We really feel like moving into a better apartment (not changing jobs), but if that means ANY problem/slowdown/delay with the 485 approval, we would stay put. GC comes first.

Please reply.

My situation:
RD: 28 Dec 2001.
Fingerprinted in Feb 2002.
Same job as in LCA.