Change of status from J1 to B1/B2 Tourist visa. Question!


New Member

First of all, for the backround part, I use to live in the US for 3.5 years when i was young on an E2 visa (under my mom's passport), just FYI...

I have a Tourist B1/B2 Visa for the USA from about 3, 4 years ago, valid for 10 years, i've visited NY for 12 days in DEC 04.

I've come to the US now, at june, for a 9 week program, being a counselor at a youth camp up state new york, and am currently on my J1 Exchange visa.

I had been told by the agency that sent me that when i come to the US, i would be able to go to Canada, cross the border and when i come back in, my visa status would be changed, and i would enter on my B1/B2 visa.

A few hours ago, I have come back from Toronto, ON to NY after a stay of 3 days in Canada.
At the border between Canada and USA (NY), when crossing, at the immigration office, I was told that I need to do, what is called "A Meaningful Departure" back to my country to get off the J1 visa, and i'll have to come back from my country to get in with my B1/B2 visa.

Now, I understand I can fill an I-539 form which would cost me $300 which i prefer not paying.

Does anyone know a differen way of extending my stay? since right now I am about to travel the states, and with no doubt, this matter has kind of hung me over a big pile of worries...

Appreciate the help in advance,
