Change of job(group)


Registered Users (C)
I was working in one group, employer eliminated the job and gave me a chance to look for a job in other groups. Employer gave me 2 months time to find out a job in other group and kept me on payroll as a normal employee. I got a job in other group in 3 weeks after i got terminated from first job, that time my I140 process was going on. Now I got my I140 approved and wanted to decide for CP or AOS. I am slightly afraid to go for CP because of my job change even if everything is same for me Position, salary, level only group is different.. Even the product which I was working on is no more in developement phase. So please let me know your views on this? Is there anything legally I need to do to proceed for next phase? So during CP, if they ask HR about me, so there may be a problem.. if anyone have this situation pls let me know..
Thanks in advance..
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I do not see a problem with your CP if your position, salary, level and job duties are same. I think you would be more scrutinized during AOS rather than during CP. It is important that your company is the same not the group.

Go and read Adjustment of Status vs. Consular Processing:
Which is Best for You? at analysis 2.pdf
this could help you!

Good luck!
company is same only group different

Thanks Marta for the reply with the informative link..
I am still with the same company but only group change.. i have a concern if Consular officer wanted to check directly with HR/company then if they say he got redeployed.. Did this happen to anyone that the officer contacted the company to verify certain things? in that case what the company personnel needs to answer.. pls share your thoughts about this.. thanks
Consulate relies on the letter of Employment

From your employer.. unless they have reason to believe fraud they do not go ahead and double check.. In your case you are CLEAN.. working for the same company at the same salary.. MAN YOU ARE GOLDEN

CP should not pose any proble,

From what I heard and experienced myself, there is no desire or time to again verify an employment letter during the CP interview. I\'ve never heard anybody saying that during their interview an officer said: "I am going to call your HR to verify this letter."

Your HR needs to confirm in your employment letter that you were and will work for them in such and such position with such and such salary. Then, they have to list your job duties, which should be consistent with your LC and I-140. See, nobody really talks about a group. It is about a position in the company!

I really believe you have nothing to worry about, you will be OK!!