Change of Address/Job after 180 days


Registered Users (C)
It will be really helpful if anyone could send in any ptrs. on the foll. question.

485 RD : Feb 25 2002
WAC # : 02-127-5XXXX

My current dev. campus in CA is closing down and am being
offered the same position in the same project in MO. I am planning to take the position using AC21 rule.
I was planning to give a change of Add. within CA, so that
it will not trigger any queries. But my paralegal says its O.K to give
the MO add as change of add. because I've anyway crossed
the 180 day period and I should not have any issues ?

Basically I am planning to use the AC21 rule and change jobs, but the lawyers are planning to wait for a query from INS and
then inform the INS about the job transfer.

Qn : Does a "change of add. to a diff. state" trigger a query
automatically ?

Unfortunately I don't have an answer for your question.

I have another (rather simple) question. If you want to switch jobs after 180 days do you need to have an EAD? My understanding is that you don't need one.

Will really appreciate if somebody can give some pointers on this.

