Change of address after stamping


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Hi Guys
   After a long time, i am planning to move my residence after getting my passport stamped. Most likely my green card will not arrive before i move. Is it ok to move ? If so , does post office forward the green card to new address? I hear people saying that post office will not forward INS stuff ? Ur help will be appreciated. I also plan to inform INS by form AR11.
   Also is there any problem or red flags in moving residence after stamping and before getting greencard.
Ur inputs will be appreciated.
You can give INS info about your new address _during_ passport stamping procedure

In fact, it\'s likely that INS officer will invite you to do so. If not, you can ask for it.

Thanks Joef for ur reply. Ur opinion seems to be very reliable. So i will go ahead and move my residence without second thought.
Reg Allan\'s info, I have already got my passport stamped. So that would not help me. I have to file AR-11 Form. It is curious that we have to send AR -11 (change of address) form to an address in Washington DC and not to our Service center ? Do they coordinate internally ????
Thanks again for ur inputs.
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My understanding is that you can call the service center to make sure they updated your address in their computers. I moved after getting the plastic card so I just filler AR-11, however in your case it may pay to be extra careful.

By careful, u mean that i have to call INS and make sure that they changed in their computers. But other than that, i assume there is no other risk for GC like if i get layed off from my job etc ? I would like to know if i can move my residence with peace of mind without worrying about losing GC even if i get layed off or changed job?
You should send G-731

You should file G-731 to change the address, make sure you check the address changes check box. There are four different versions of this document, try to print which belongs to your service center
The plastic card will not be forwarded.

The INS office at the POE in NEWARK specifically told me that. We need to notify the INS if we are moving.
My friend had given a forwarding request at the post office, but never got his card. He then had to contact INS, his POE also was Newark.

I hope this helps.
I dont think INS letters are forwarded, atleast the courtesy copy of approval is not forwarded

I changed my address before my approval. I was able to give address change for self but couldn\'t do the same for my wife. The courtesy copy of my wife\'s approval notice (CSC) was never forwarded to us. (I have given address forwarding for both of us).

On looking at my courtesy copy, there was a marking saying "Return Service Requested", If you have this marking on any letter, post office will not forward it. I am not sure if this marking would be there on the letter sent by INS which contains the actual plastic card.

I hope this helps
