Change Job under AC21 while waiting for interview


Registered Users (C)
Greetings Guys,

I need some advice or information that would help me decide whether to persue changing my job.

Last Sept. 27, 2004 my case (I485) was transferred to the San Francisco District office for an interview and up to now I have not receive any letter for it.

Now I want to find a new job and in a different location but still here in california but maybe further south. Has anyone outhere did this while waiting for an interview? How will this effect my case?

Please help me out guys.

Thanks in advance.

I485 - Aug. 5, 2002
FP - Aug. 22, 2002
Hi I'm in the same boat as you.......but case transferred to detroit. I had posted this question on this forum several times....but no answers. Hopefully someone will reply to this query
I would think that if you notify them of the address change, they would transfer your case again to your nearest local office.