Chances for approval in appeal???


Registered Users (C)
My I-140 got rejected based on company's financial status & ability to pay. My employer is paying almost equivalent(little difference) amount mentioned in my labor and also company is doing good with 200K profits last year with around 100 consultants on payrol. Few other I140 cases were approved from the same employer. what are the chances to get approval by appealing against this denial. My lawyer is working on logistics. I also supplied them all my paystubs since last year. Please advise what additional information is useful..
chinj said:
My I-140 got rejected based on company's financial status & ability to pay. My employer is paying almost equivalent(little difference) amount mentioned in my labor and also company is doing good with 200K profits last year with around 100 consultants on payrol. Few other I140 cases were approved from the same employer. what are the chances to get approval by appealing against this denial. My lawyer is working on logistics. I also supplied them all my paystubs since last year. Please advise what additional information is useful..

Could you please tell us, how much was the salary wages mentioned in your labor..?
Though I do not want to give false hopes:
There are very good chances for ability to pay wage appeals goes through sucessful approvals.

You had option to submit a letter from financial officer about pay wage. You do not need to submit any pay stubs because you company employs more then 100 (I do not know if you can do this during appeal as an evidence. check with your attorny).

If you were paid salary without breaks, still there is good chance for approval.

Are there many people applied for 140 with you from your company ? If that is the case, they will calculate ability to pay not only for you but for all those applied with you (which may be more then 200K profit your company made).
That may the reason for denial.

gc_illusion said:
Could you please tell us, how much was the salary wages mentioned in your labor..?
In labor it is 82K and I am getting almost 80K
If you had paystubs from the day labor applied, you should be most likely get approval.
Future Employment

I got a denial saying that the employer don't have the ability to pay. I don't work for this employer now It is for future employment. What should I say in my appeal as I won't be able to furnish anymore evidence during an appeal.??
Future employmnet rejection

Hi LonelyPoet

Is ur company which is processing ur future employment making profits... if it is , is it more than ur mentioned salary?

If all this is true y did they reject ur I-140.
