Case transferred from VSC to NSC


Registered Users (C)

I filed my I-140 in NSC and applied 485 in VSC. I live in NJ. My company is from Chicago. Filed my 485 in May 2002. After FP got the first EAD . Waiting for the renewal.

Rcently I checked my 485 status and got surptised. The status says ' Received ur application on Apr 2003'. Called INS and the office told me he does not have any additional info other than the one I saw on the website. Asked my lawyey to contact INS.

My lawyer told me my case is tranferred to NSC. This is the reason for the new RD.

Also last week we got another notice saying our EAD & AP renewals also transferred to NSC. That notice says in order to speed up procesing your case has been transferred to NSC.

How does this transfer impact my case RD?

My details: EAC-02-194XXXXX

PLease advise.
No notice sofar

So far I have not got any notice about this transfer. For my EAD I got a transfer notice and the number is still EAC-XX-XX