Case transfered to Baltimore, MD


Registered Users (C)
My case has just been transfered to local Maryland office. Anybody knows:

1). Is the document transfered to local office electronic or by regular post office mail? and how long will it take?

2). How long will it take for processing in Baltimore MD to get interview?

3). My RD was 11/5/01, EAC-02-056-53xxx, it is close to 540 days. I though my case will be approved directly in Vermont instead of being transfered to local. because similar RD cases have been transfered to MD in Oct 2002 and already approved half year ago. I called Vermont several days ago, and a lady told me to call again 30 days later, then it turned out my case be transfered to local. Anybody has similar situation? Was the transfer due to my phone call?

4). besides of interview, what else they will ask or request? Anybody recently be transfered to Baltimore?

