Case Receipt Numbers


Registered Users (C)

The numbering system on receipts has significance. The system varies somewhat depending on the software system used to process the case. Those systems are enumerated below for you use.

A case processed in CLAIMS3 – LAN version is structured as follows:

LIN 99 001 50001

LIN represents the office location where initially received into the electronic system. In the example, LIN indicates Lincoln, Nebraska or NSC. Cases that are received at another Service Center but processed at the NSC will generally carry the originating office number.

EAC = St. Albans, Vermont or Vermont Service Center

SRC= Dallas, Texas or Texas Service Center

WAC= Laguna Niguel, California or California Service Center

99 represents the fiscal year in which the case was received.

001 represents the computer workday in the fiscal year on which the fee was taken. Generally 001 is October 1st, the first working day of the fiscal year. 265 generally is a computer work day in September. This is NOT truly a julian date because no “computer work day” exists if the center does not receipt cases on any particular date, e.g. most Saturday’s, all Sunday’s and holidays.

50001 represents the particular case number. In this case, it is the first case received in CLAIMS3 LAN on that particular workday.

A case processed in CLAIMS3 Mainframe has a similar structure:

LIN 99 001 00001

All is the same as the CLAIMS3 LAN version except the particular case number. The LAN version commences with 5: The mainframe version commences with 0. * The significance of this difference is that electronic case status information is NOT available to the public for the mainframe cases. Only I-751s and I-829s are/have been receipted in this version.
My case # is 030625xxxxx but my recepit date is 12/1/8/02 so how do you translate 03 in this case? and what does 625 means
Originally posted by samqasamqa
My case # is 030625xxxxx but my recepit date is 12/1/8/02 so how do you translate 03 in this case? and what does 625 means

Below the INS explanation extracted from NSC website. Hope this clarifies the issue:

For most applications filed at a Service Center, your receipt may look like this: LIN 99 001 50001. In this example, the LIN represents the Nebraska Service Center, where the application was initially received into the electronic system. Cases that are filed at or received by another Service Center but processed at the NSC will generally carry the designation of the originating Service Center:

LIN = Lincoln, Nebraska or NSC
EAC = St. Albans, Vermont or VSC
SRC= Dallas, Texas or TSC
WAC= Laguna Niguel, California or CSC

In the example above:

The 99 represents the fiscal year (October 1, through September 30) in which the case was received.
The 001 represents the computer workday in the fiscal year on which the fee was taken.
The 50001 represents the particular case number.