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case number for DV 2011


Registered Users (C)
i didnt reveive the first letter so i dont have my case number, isent to KCC the forms 230,122 and they send me the following email :

thank you for your inquiry,

"The omission of your case number on the forms will not affect the processing of your case. However, for security purposes, KCC cannot reveal any information regarding your case if you cannot provide all the required information of your full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY)."

i cant understand they said that the omission of CN will not affect the processing and in the same time they want to provide all information name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY).
i dont know the CN, i sent many emails for them and every time they send me the previous email
idont know what i should do
any one please help me
You dont have you Case number, then they cant answer your questions thats all (for security reasons).
IF you sent the forms correctly, then you should be fine and you will receive the second NL when your CN is current.
Dont worry. The problem is that you dont know when your CN will be current :(
Good luck!

Current means when it's your turn.
SO let's say your Case number is 5654 and your are from Europe. It means you will be the 5654th person to have the interview at the embassy. But when will this be? Since the embassy cannot take everyone all at once, the US gov publishes every month a list of all Case number "current". That is, all case number that will be called for the interview this month.
This publication is called the Visa Bulletin. It is here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_1360.html
For example, click on October 2010 , go down to B. DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT (DV) CATEGORY:
Look at the Table and you see EUROPE 9,600
SO it means in October the first 9,600 case number will be called for the interview.
Since in our example your CN is 5654 , then you will have your interview in October. (btw if you look at the next table in C it tells for CN that will be called for interviews in November)
But if your CN is lets say 35,545 it means it's not your turn yet.
Easy right ?
TO have an idea of when you will be interviewed, you need your Case number and look at previous month of past lotteries (Archived visa bulletin) to see approximately when 35,545 will be called.

The problem is that you dont know your CN :(
so yours could be next month, as it could be in 6months!
when you filled out the forms, you entered your current address correctly ?
i didnt reveive the first letter so i dont have my case number, isent to KCC the forms 230,122 and they send me the following email :

thank you for your inquiry,

"The omission of your case number on the forms will not affect the processing of your case. However, for security purposes, KCC cannot reveal any information regarding your case if you cannot provide all the required information of your full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY)."

i cant understand they said that the omission of CN will not affect the processing and in the same time they want to provide all information name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY).
i dont know the CN, i sent many emails for them and every time they send me the previous email
idont know what i should do
any one please help me

Keep ön sending emails to kcc, requesting for ur case #. They'll surely give it to u when they're fed up with ur continuous and numerous email. That's what others did including myself before they gave dem to us. Peace! Benníi
yes Jeffy, I entered it right and i asked the post office in my city in egypt about any letters but nothing
i am so worried about this problem
i am afraid if they send second letter and it may not be arrive what i can do
if my case # is current and second letter isnt come how can i know
please help me
بصي يا اختي انا حقوللك الحل من واقع معلوماتي ....ناس كتير ذيك كده لم يصلهم الخطاب الاول لاي سبب

الحل انك تراسلي مركز كنتاكي بالكونفيرميشن نمبر بتاعك مع ضرورة ارفاق البيانات كالتالي في الايميل الي حترسليه لمركز كنتاكي

1- الكونفيرميشن نمبر 2- الاسم بالكامل 3- سنة الميلاد

واطلبي منهم الكيس نمبر بتاعك وان شاء الله حيرسلهوللك في غضون ايام علي ايميلك

مع تمنياتي بالتوفيق
nevinekamal try to do like Bennit said:
"Keep ön sending emails to kcc, requesting for ur case #. They'll surely give it to u when they're fed up with ur continuous and numerous email. That's what others did including myself before they gave dem to us. Peace! Benníi "

Apparently it worked for him.
I dunno why you did not receive your letter. Did you change appartement ? was the adresse you gave during registration different from the one now ? Can you check what addresse you gave exactly?
i didnt reveive the first letter so i dont have my case number, isent to KCC the forms 230,122 and they send me the following email :

thank you for your inquiry,

"The omission of your case number on the forms will not affect the processing of your case. However, for security purposes, KCC cannot reveal any information regarding your case if you cannot provide all the required information of your full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY)."

i cant understand they said that the omission of CN will not affect the processing and in the same time they want to provide all information name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY).
i dont know the CN, i sent many emails for them and every time they send me the previous email
idont know what i should do
any one please help me

I AM IN THE SAME PROBLEM WITH U MY BROTHER?, peace out at u at y'all

im a dv2011selectee from ivory coast
I know my winning notification only from website. I did not receive any letter from KCC. I sent DSP-122 and photographs to KCC more than a month ago. So far, I did not get any response from KCC. I am looking for adjusting status. Can anyone suggest me, what should be done from my part?

11/24/09: dv 2011 entry
07/01/10: winning notification from website
11/03/10: sent DSP-122 and photograph to KCC
11/05/10: DSP-122 and photograph received by KCC
I know my winning notification only from website. I did not receive any letter from KCC. I sent DSP-122 and photographs to KCC more than a month ago. So far, I did not get any response from KCC. I am looking for adjusting status. Can anyone suggest me, what should be done from my part?

11/24/09: dv 2011 entry
07/01/10: winning notification from website
11/03/10: sent DSP-122 and photograph to KCC
11/05/10: DSP-122 and photograph received by KCC

Have u sent just DSP-122 or togather with DS-320 Part I and II?my advice for u is just ask KCC via email or Phone
whether they recieve ur forms or not and requet to give ur case number back.as for adjustment of status(AOS) just read on the thread
DV 2011 AOS ony.
Have u sent just DSP-122 or togather with DS-320 Part I and II?my advice for u is just ask KCC via email or Phone
whether they recieve ur forms or not and requet to give ur case number back.as for adjustment of status(AOS) just read on the thread
DV 2011 AOS ony.

do u sent DSP 122 ONLY OR U sent too DS 230 part I and II to kcc
I sent DSP-122 and photographs, NOT DS-230, as I am staying in US and looking for adjusting status. KCC told me not to send DS-230.

I called KCC several time. I am sending e-mail to them in regular interval. So far, no hope :-(

BTW. how to you know that your NL is sent back to KCC?

Have u sent just DSP-122 or togather with DS-320 Part I and II?my advice for u is just ask KCC via email or Phone
whether they recieve ur forms or not and requet to give ur case number back.as for adjustment of status(AOS) just read on the thread
DV 2011 AOS ony.
I sent DSP-122 and photographs, NOT DS-230, as I am staying in US and looking for adjusting status. KCC told me not to send DS-230.

I called KCC several time. I am sending e-mail to them in regular interval. So far, no hope :-(

BTW. how to you know that your NL is sent back to KCC?

i am in the same situation with u bro, i known my seclection through entrant status check and i already sent the forms dsp 122 and ds 230 to kcc. now i waiting for my case number from kcc coz until now i have not yet received my notification letter
You are right, both of us are in same situation.

i am in the same situation with u bro, i known my seclection through entrant status check and i already sent the forms dsp 122 and ds 230 to kcc. now i waiting for my case number from kcc coz until now i have not yet received my notification letter
I don't know my case number. Probably my NL is lost somewhere. As I know, "return service requested" is written on the NL envelop. Therefore, NL is supposed to return back to KCC, if undeliverable. Does anybody know, is there any way to track whether my NL is returned back to KCC?
I sent DSP-122 and photographs, NOT DS-230, as I am staying in US and looking for adjusting status. KCC told me not to send DS-230.

I called KCC several time. I am sending e-mail to them in regular interval. So far, no hope :-(

BTW. how to you know that your NL is sent back to KCC?
Afetr i knew that i was selected i went to my country Post Office to check my 1st letter but they told me
that they had already sent it back to KCC and i asked them to wrote me an official letter and they did
including the date that they had sent it back then i sent it with my forms to KCC in order to give me my
letter and i am emailing them every two weeks to get my case number zo i have not got it yet but i
am hoping i will.
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How to get Case Number

I saw some people are having hard time retriving case number from KCC. I was on same boat until one nice lady from KCC described what exactly needs to be done.

In subject of email write
Case Number Request
in email body provide
your full name
date of birth
your online confirmation number

Note:It is important to send the email from same email address which you used during DV Lottery submission.Hope this helps