Card ordered message online

tt tt

Registered Users (C)
After getting pasport stamped on 3/5/03..the online message changed from " ...alien registeration card processing ..."
"On April 1, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready."

anyone has a timeline on how long it takes to get the green card in the mail after stamping the passport ?

I am not sure if you asked the right question. Time after passport stamp is unknown, but time after your message changes to card ordered should be around one week. In your case the whole process (from passport stamping to getting the card in the mail) seems it's going to be done in about a month, that's pretty fast, in my time it took four months or more.

My 2 cents.

I wanted to ask the time taken to recieve the card after the "card ordered message"...and you answered it..I will keep checking my mail box
with increased enthusiasm !
my case status is also same..

When I checked on-line message for my case status, it also read the same "your alien registration card or green card processing has been completed and BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it ready.....". I'm also wondering how long does it takes to get the plastic card? As per earlier response, I think it takes another 2 or 3 weeks to get the plastic card!!!
My card came in about 1 month.. BUT

Hello tt tt,

F Y I.

I got my card in around 4-5 weeks after stamping the passport. To be more specific, we stamped our passports on Sep 30th and I got actual green card in early November. (although status still says .. we ordered a new card and will be mailed.)

HOWEVER, my wife's card has not yet come. The status still says 'Yous BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready'. We are slightly concerned as typically sposes's cards do come within a week or so once husband get it. Not very sure, what to do. Just wait? Calling IIOs doesnt help much.

tt tt

It usually takes around 2 weeks from the time the message changes. For all 3 of us in my family we got our cards around 12 days from the time the online message changed (all 3 of us got it at different times)
Yours should reach you anytime after a week or so
Originally posted by tt tt
After getting pasport stamped on 3/5/03..the online message changed from " ...alien registeration card processing ..."
"On April 1, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready."

anyone has a timeline on how long it takes to get the green card in the mail after stamping the passport ?

tt tt:
Please let us know where u got ur pp stamped...San Francisco ?
how many times does the message change..

my message reads" initial processing for ur alien/green card has been completed, your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon at it is ready" which is different from "your card has been ordered"... tt tt did u at any point see the message I see, or it just changed directly to card ordered
I happened to talk to an IIO today, there is the I-89 form that has to be scanned, in my case that is still not done...

I got my passport stamped on 24th feb at SFO...


NV2001: I got my passport stamped on 5th march at San Jose.

Bombayboys: about 2 weeks ago I had the message that you have printed "initial processing for ur alien/green card has been completed, your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon at it is ready"
since april 2nd I got the new message " saying card ordered "
I did not talk to IIO so I am not sure if the I-89 has been scanned..but I guess it got scanned since the message changed ?
initial processing for ur alien/green card has been completed, your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon at it is ready"

is changed to

On March 31, 2003, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 160 and 180 days for us to process this kind of case. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case.

I did not send them any request. I dont know what this means. Did anyone got such message ?
that is strange ..

you are getting an rfe message after passport is stamped with I-551 stamp !!

I re-checked my online still says ..card ordered on 1st april
messg changed

Passport stamped for me and my wife on 24-04-2003.

Message changed just for me to:

Processing for your Alien Registration Card or Green Card has been completed. Your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

Wife's messg is still approved

How long more is the wait to get the plastic card?
GOT green card for myself !!!...BUT..

not so for wife :(

Oh green card arrived exactly 1 month 2 days after passport stamping. Wife's online message is the same as mine" "card ordered on 1st april" ..hope that the postman did not mess up..well I dont mind waiting for some more time before I contact the lawyer to see what to do next.
Re: GOT green card for myself !!!...BUT..

Originally posted by tt tt
not so for wife :(

Oh green card arrived exactly 1 month 2 days after passport stamping. Wife's online message is the same as mine" "card ordered on 1st april" ..hope that the postman did not mess up..well I dont mind waiting for some more time before I contact the lawyer to see what to do next.

I was in the similar situation 1 year ago during the time of our first EAD approval. First, we heard "... approved .. has been mailed ...". In about 3 days received my wife's but did not get mine. I contacted the post office to see if they missed mine by any chance. After, 15 days the message changed to "the card which was sent has come back to INS". Just think about it ... people don't get their approval for months ... and I here got the approval, INS did send the card and it went back to them.
Well .. then I went to INS office told them .. they checked the computers and said yes it has been sent all right. I then asked them to read me out from the computer screen what the address showed .... As I had guessed .. there was no apartment no. on the address. They told me I have to go to Laguna Niguel and bring to their attention this problem. I did as they said .. and after that within 5 days I received my EAD.

INS often goofs up the address (could be intentional ...).
good point !! I will keep this in mind.

thanks man..I am not too concerned right now...but I will follow it up.:cool:
msg not changed after stampiing

I did passport stamp in SJ on 3/31/03. But the
online msg stills: approved, mail to you...14 days......

Just wondering how long can I received the
actual card.

pp stamped on 3/240/3

Msg changed on 4/7/03 to " On April 7th ,....we ordered a new card for you ........"
PP Stamped on 2/28/03

Msg changed to " card processing has been completed. BCIS document will be mailed to you..."

I forgot to strike out my lawyer's address on the approval notice. Will my lawyer receive the card or will it be mailed to me?

Its you

I believe the card will always be mailed to the beneficiary.
whats this striking out lawyer's name, strike out from where?