I'm a German architect with university degree (Diplom-Ingenieur (univ.)).
I want to go to USA to become a commercial pilot. So far no problem - just a student visum needed.
But I also would like to search for a job and perhaps work (as pilot) in USA after finishing the training. And even while training I wouldn't mind working a bit. But I cannot tell (in front) what job or employer, maybe several.
Of course a green card would be the best, but I do not intend to stay for more than 2 years. As a 27 year old single I don't think to have a real evidence of returning.
So I have a high academic education, quite some money and know some US citizens who would vouch for me in any kind. But no near relatives.
Is there any visa beneath a green card that allows working without being fixed to a certain profession or employer (and I have a chance to get)? Time limit doesn't matter if above 1-2 years. Something like a time-limited greencard.
Are there any offices in Germany that can help me with these questions?
Thanks a lot!
I'm a German architect with university degree (Diplom-Ingenieur (univ.)).
I want to go to USA to become a commercial pilot. So far no problem - just a student visum needed.
But I also would like to search for a job and perhaps work (as pilot) in USA after finishing the training. And even while training I wouldn't mind working a bit. But I cannot tell (in front) what job or employer, maybe several.
Of course a green card would be the best, but I do not intend to stay for more than 2 years. As a 27 year old single I don't think to have a real evidence of returning.
So I have a high academic education, quite some money and know some US citizens who would vouch for me in any kind. But no near relatives.
Is there any visa beneath a green card that allows working without being fixed to a certain profession or employer (and I have a chance to get)? Time limit doesn't matter if above 1-2 years. Something like a time-limited greencard.
Are there any offices in Germany that can help me with these questions?
Thanks a lot!