Canadian with some questions


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In 2 weeks will be my 1st time travelling by plane to the US in a couple years. I know they have a finger printing process going on they finger print all Canadian citizen's when they visit the US?

I was denied almost 2 years ago because they had supiscion that I was going to stay there illegally since my boyfriend lives there. They took my finger prints and my picture when I was crossing by bus thru the Caliste, Maine border.

I really don't want to be denied again! They let me through last summer when me and my bf travelled 2gether by bus, I stayed down there for 5 months. Would that be considered overstaying my visit???

If anyone could answer any of my questions that would be great, thanks a lot ;)
McPheever said:
I was denied almost 2 years ago because they had supiscion that I was going to stay there illegally since my boyfriend lives there.
Who told them your boyfriend lives in the US?