Canadian permanent residency


Registered Users (C)
I'm a Canadian permanent resident. I wanna know if I will have to surrender my permanent resident card when I land on the States as an immigrant. Thanks.
Vikas Kumar, when will I surrender my card, on the border when I land on the States or after I get my green card?
lucienmike said:
I'm a Canadian permanent resident. I wanna know if I will have to surrender my permanent resident card when I land on the States as an immigrant. Thanks.

I don't see why you need to do that. The USCIS wouldn't care if you are a permanent resident of another country (I am sure you'd have declared that in your GC application).

Though, your Canadian perm. res. status may lapse if you don't maintain it and decide to live in the US.
I dont think it is a problem

lucienmike said:
I'm a Canadian permanent resident. I wanna know if I will have to surrender my permanent resident card when I land on the States as an immigrant. Thanks.

I am a canadian PR and a US GC holder. I never surrendered my Canadian residence. You may loose your canadian PR theoretically if you are not living in canada at least 2 years in any 5 year period(Meaning leagally you can be outside Canada for up to 3 years in evry 5 year period). Similarly you can loose your US GC if you are not living in the US continously for more than 364 days at a time( You can apply to INS for Return Residence Permit for permiting to be away for upto 2 years- continously and leagally outside the US and still maintain the status).

Permanent Residnecy is a status which can be lost for a number of reasons, and residency is at the core of it.

Neither US, nor Canadian PR requirement insist you to abandon other residnecies, but just to meet its own requirements. Ideally It is not possible for you to live in both the countries at the same time. However I know a number of people who live in the border cities such as Windsor/Detroit and maintian both residnecy by travelling back and forth and having residence in both countries.

By the way, to my knowledge there is no direct link between INS and Canadian immigration databases to track these.

When I go to Canada I use my Green Card to cross the border as I am living in the US right now. By spring of next year I will reach my 3 years of being outside Canada. At that point I will decide what to do with it based on the circumstances at that time. I simply did not want to give-up on a status which made me feel better/safer while I was still on H-1 in the US. I cherish my canadian PR status as much or more than my US GC. Not only that, I also had applied for, and obtained Canadian PR status for my children who are US citizens. Hey its just me ;)

Sorry but no more questions to me on this one please. ;)
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