Canadian PCC's - mystery solved


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I had a successful CP interview in Chennai on Feb 24 and landed at LAX on Mar 5 without any problems. Thanks to everyone on this forum for posting so much useful information and advice.

There is one thing I wanted to clarify to others who may be in the same boat I was. I was a Canadian permanent resident and lived there for a few years before moving to the US for my job. Until my interview I wasn't sure if a name-check PCC from Canada was good enough at Chennai or if a fingerprint-based PCC was required. Here is the answer:

Name-check based PCC is acceptable!!!

This was my biggest worry going into the interview because I only had a name-check based PCC. I had sent my fingerprints to Canada in Nov '04 to get the fingerprint-based PCC but didn't get the PCC before I left for the interview (for the record, I received that PCC yesterday, about 4 months after submitting my fingerprints). So I went to Vancouver in Jan to the PCC office (go to to find PCC offices all over Canada). You have to go there in person to apply for a PCC. I signed the application and paid CDN $45 (incl. $10 for courier fees), and got a name-check based PCC in about 10 days in the mail at my US address. They accepted this PCC at the Chennai consulate without any questions asked. I knew it was ok in Montreal, but wasn't sure about Chennai, because the State Dept website advises everyone to get a fingerprint-based PCC.