Canadian born Australian looking to live in the USA


New Member
Hi, I think this forum is an amazing resource, and I'm currently researching the imigration laws in the USA to try and answer all my questions, but there's a lot of blury lines and It's all pretty new to me even after a few hours of research and a few phonecalls.

My situation is as follows:

I'm Canadian born, I live in Australia. I currently have duel citizenship and am currently applying for my Canadian passport to be renewed, I've recently renewed my australian passport.

While holidaying in Guam visiting friends this year, I met one of their friends and we fell in love, and have carried on a long distance relationship for most of this year since. Now she has asked me to move to Washington state with her, where she will be working *she's in the military*.

Now here are my options as I have so far uncovered

1. Enter on my canadian Passport for up to 6months. In that time I believe i CAN NOT apply for any form of permanent visa. On this, how long do i have to leave the USA before I can come back in again for another 6 months? Can I apply for work/study visa's while I'm there?

2. Ask her to marry me, which is what we plan on anyway, and enter on a K1, we'd just like to make sure we can live with each other for a time and not have to rush.

3. Possibly a TN Visa, I have a minor adult education qualification and am in my first year of a diplima in social work that I'll be quiting to move there, with a few months industry experience in social work.. this one looks unlikely at first glance.

4. HIB-job. This one confuses me, I'm not sure if only certain employers are authorised HIB-JOB providers or what? The "H1BASE" website is really not well layed out.

So that's me at the moment. I'm looking for a way to get there, stay there, work and then study there while building a life with my girl. Any ideas, hints, tips, contacts, links, well thought out plans, would be of great help. My email is if some things are easyer sent in email.

Kind regards and thanks,

- The Australadian
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Answered most of my own questions through researching.

1. After 6mths i can leave and come right back again for another 6mnths. No, an not apply for other visa's while there.

2. Going to do the 6mnth thing first, then if all is well follow this option.

3. Can apply to study, but need to provide evidence I have enough cash to support myself for the whole time I am there, on top of the fees for study.

4. From what i understand i need a BA or 12 years industry experience, so no undergrad stuff.

Still looking for other tips, ideas.