Can someone explain...


Registered Users (C)

I am new to INS rules and need someone share their informaiton with me.

When people talking about the receipt# for EAD, AP and I485, all come in a format of EAC-02-AAA-BBBBB.

Does any one know what are those represent for? :rolleyes: I know EAC is for vermont center and 02 for Year 2002? what are the rest part of the number means? Can you get any idea for that number to get some idea of when the case is received or when it is suppose to be process/approved (I know it is hard to say for INS when it will get approved).

Thnaks in advance.
Julian Date

RD 11/19/01
ND 12/10/01


the Year starts on October 01.

Therefore : October (31) + November ( 30 ) + December (10) = 71

Remove the sundays. saturdays are considered work days.

059 is the julian date.

ie., (# of days between 10/01/01 - 12/10/01)*6/7 = Julian date


The rest of the 5XXXX is a serial number.

Hope this helps.
Jim Kelly,

You should be famous writing junk mails..

Can you tell me how did u come to the conclusion 02- stands for 2002.

Many EAC numbers with EAC-02 were filed on 2001.


I see that you are a new member here. Therefor, I suggest, you take it easy before you critisise others. Read some old posts and gain a little insight.

I think Jim Kelly's explanation is correct. I thought he gave a detailed explanation of how the 3 digits are calculated.

To add something more, I think this number gets created based on the notice date and not receipt date. Notice date is the date when your information was actually entered in the system. RD is the date when your application was received in the INS office thats it. Thats why eventhough someone filed their papers before October, they may still end up with a "02" number if their notice date is after October 1. For INS October is begininig of the new year. So 2001 October is "02"
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Whatever jimkelly said is right, why are you so fast to comment other person who is trying to help?
Sorry Guys

Sorry Jim..

I just came to know that INS new year begins on Oct..

What happens if it is between Jan'02 to Oct'02?

Between Jan02 - Oct02, the receipt numbers will still start as EAC-02-XXX-XXXXX
EAC-02 starts from October - 01 and runs until Oct -02
I meant what happens after EAC-02

Per Jim,
The numbers after EAC-02 will be
the Year starts on October 01.
Therefore : October (31) + November ( 30 ) + December (10) = 71
Remove the sundays. saturdays are considered work days.
059 is the julian date.
ie., (# of days between 10/01/01 - 12/10/01)*6/7 = Julian date

How does the above formulas work for those cases b/w Jan'02 - Oct'02.
thanks Kat0520 & rsjolly!!

I sometimes stayaway from helping others because of people like Gc... Whatever his id is.

Oct 01 '01 till Sep 30 '02 is considered fiscal year 02

hence people who have their ND's between 10-01-01 and 09-30-02 will have their EAc numbers as EAC-02

Now based on what ur ND is , the number of days will be calculated as what Jim kelly said. So in my case my ND which is 01-03-02 comes out as 076. The last five digits are serial number.
Thanks for the good information guys, especially to JimKelly for the good explaination.

From the observation I had from this site (Not too much, yet). It seems that the case with the same date does not get approved in a reasonable time frame (within a month). Do you guys know the reason - other than INS s**ks? Is there any process they use that cause this?
Remember that the INS is not a single-person business; it is a HUGE government body. I can imagine there are hundreds of officers working on cases, each has his/her own characteristics :)

Having said that, there is NO guarantee that two applications with exactly the same RD and/or ND will be processed or even approved on the same day.
Each case is as unique as its adjudication officer :)

So .. relax and wait...