Can someone change career after GC?


New Member
Q1. Can someone persue a different career (not the one GC was approved for) after receiving GC?
Q2. Assumingly, Q1 is possible, how long (at least) someone should remain in the current job/profession before making the career change?
Q3. Do you foresee any remote issues in the future with this change?

Any comments would be appreciated!
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Q1. You can do any darn thing you want. You can get your GC as a rocket scientist and then go and flip burgers at your local McD. No one will care.

Q2. There dosen\'t seem to be a set rule. But people in the know say that you should stay at least 6 months.

Q3. I don\'t see any future repucussions.

Not till you become a citizen

Try the "After the Green Card Forum" this topic has been discussed in detail. It appears that after 9/11 INS is much more eager to bring up immigration fraud against people and it\'s been said that there is no statute of limitation on that. For instance, INS called my work to verify that my co-worker who got GC a month before me is still with the company. The lawyers I asked said that there are far less immigration suits brought against those who stayed with their original employers longer (6 months or more) because it gets harder to prove that they committed fraud. But it takes one tip from ANYONE (an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend; an employer; etc) to ruin your life, so it is important to be careful.
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Well what about Discrimination problems. My question is, there are companies who discriminate based on Visa status. Cant we use that as a breach of trust between the employer and us for quitting.
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I guess you could. I am sure there are plenty of companies that exploit people like us. But this means litigation and with INS nothing is certain. But I also think that it really doesn\'t matter what I say here. You should consult a lawyer on that.