Can somebody explain me THIS!!!??


Registered Users (C)
Source CNN

"In the poll, released Tuesday, 77 percent of those responding favored allowing illegal immigrants who have been in United States for more than five years to stay and apply for citizenship if they have a job, and pay a fine and back taxes"

My doubt is:

The part that says "stay and apply for citizenship"

Does this mean that they will be granted automatically the "permantent residence" OR does this mean that they will be allowed to apply first for the green card (and go through the same hell like all of us) BEFORE applying for the US Citizenship?

Can somebody elaborate please?
Its just a poll.
Nor the people asking question and the people answering them know the difference between a GC and Citizenship.

SO I would not make anything out of it.
Also the sample number interviewed was some 1000 odd.
And I know people dont answer these phone calls in a very thoughtful manner.
First of all they are pissed that they called for a poll.

It seems a manipulated poll. released this yesterday in regard to such poll result. Based on my conversation to American friends and feedback I listen on the talk shows, I think the below is the correct explanation. Obviously the pro illegal alien supporters are trying to find and perhaps distort every poll they can since would be the only way senators could gain support to pass the amesny bill:

From, 04/24/06:
"We have the nation's attention, but Americans are not nearly as educated and prepared as you to know what they should do. I'm sure you have been dismayed by many news reports of polls showing the majority of Americans supporting some kind of path to citizenship for illegal aliens, while at the same time saying we need to get far more tough on illegal immigration.

Those polls are a sign of how confused most Americans can become as the news media primarily gives them options between mass roundups and deportations on the one hand or some kind of amnesty on the other hand.

I can assure you that solid, professional polling (that hasn't gotten much media publicity) is finding that most Americans oppose amnesties if the poll questions are worded in a more legitimate way. "

ecuellaro said:
Source CNN

"In the poll, released Tuesday, 77 percent of those responding favored allowing illegal immigrants who have been in United States for more than five years to stay and apply for citizenship if they have a job, and pay a fine and back taxes"

My doubt is:

The part that says "stay and apply for citizenship"

Does this mean that they will be granted automatically the "permantent residence" OR does this mean that they will be allowed to apply first for the green card (and go through the same hell like all of us) BEFORE applying for the US Citizenship?

Can somebody elaborate please?
People who benefit from this..e.g business owners who employ immigrants, politicians who are eyeing this vote bank, churches where the most membership is again comprised of these immigrants and some humanitarian imaged entities will support such clauses whereas everyone else who have been brainwashed that their land is being encroached, their jobs are being taken, that they will lose their social security, that their race will be colored, their wages are being driven down will be against it. People who are confused will have their opinions changing everytime they hear compelling arguments from either side.

For the polls to have any meaning, the sampling has to be as diverse as possible and sampling size has to be high. Everything else will be biased.
It depends on what you consider brainwashed. Just forget your opinion or mine and start listening to leaders of supporters of the guestworker/amnesty program and it is clear that a number, I could say the majority, of illegal aliens and groups supporting amnesty have an attitude that this is their country. There are lots of unreasonable people out and even communist groups behind these illegal alien amnesty movement. I am not sure if I would label Americans concerned with the status of their country as "brainwashed".

Business owners will always prefer cheap labor no matter what. Businessmen care with profits, not long-term impact on the citizens of this country. I don't think only a profit standpoint should be taken into consideration when dealing with this issue. Allowing 11-20 million and encouraging milions more to come can well change this country forever.

avi101 said:
People who benefit from this..e.g business owners who employ immigrants, politicians who are eyeing this vote bank, churches where the most membership is again comprised of these immigrants and some humanitarian imaged entities will support such clauses whereas everyone else who have been brainwashed that their land is being encroached, their jobs are being taken, that they will lose their social security, that their race will be colored, their wages are being driven down will be against it. People who are confused will have their opinions changing everytime they hear compelling arguments from either side.

For the polls to have any meaning, the sampling has to be as diverse as possible and sampling size has to be high. Everything else will be biased.