Can one with GC, but without passport travel to Europe?


New Member
A friend of mine is a GC holder, but her passport was confiscated by her home country's embassy because of political/religious persecution. Can she still obtain visa and travel to Europe?

Thanks for sharing your insight
If she is a citizen of an EU member country, holding a valid, unexpired national identity card then she can.

Somehow I doubt that your friend is a citizen of an EU member, though (it is quite impossible to get an EU passport confiscated nowadays because of religious persecution).

If she is not a EU citizen then *maybe* she could apply for a reentry permit and get a visa in that document. I would advise her to call any member country embassy and ask about required documentation.
I think JoeF meant in a relative sense: "Comparitively speaking ... There is no religious or political persecution in the EU".

The only reason, "some" CongressFolks, were investigating France, was cause those congress folks were what i call daCleanShavenMullahs ... the neo-conservative right, who just will find anything they could to put down france.
having no passport generally means that most countries consider you "stateless". Therefore if you are going to travel to europe I would suggest you call or make an appointment with the local consulate of france and see what they can do for you. they will probably have you get a simple tourist visa.

also I am not sure if this info is accurate but I think the state department does issue "passport" like documents for people in such situations. Again I am not sure about this.

keep us informed on this one and see what happens
JoeF said:
Huh? What does that have to do with persecution???
You can't even get your definitions right.
These things are about who the government or other people choose to do business with. Calling that persecution is complete BS.

Why don't you take that up with the authors of the articles if you have a problem with their definition of *persecution*? There's plenty more where that came from.

Choosing not to do business with someone on the basis of their religious choice is *persecution* whether the great JoeF agrees or not. How would you define it? On second thought, forget I asked.... It won't matter....
JoeF said:
You continue to spread BS. Get an education. Geez. How about not trying to challenge me once in a while? You lose each time you try...

I'm not going to turn this to 300 post argument with you.
You might have the misconceived preconception (sic) that you come out ahead in each argument, but boy, your ignominy knows no bounds....

In the meantime, I shall refrain from replying to any of your soulless propaganda....

Keep up the bad work!!!

Good luck to all other members on this forum. I'm out. I'll be back in a couple of years when I apply for my citizenship.

In the meantime, take whatever advice that JoeF dishes out as entertainment value ONLY!!!