Can one travel abroad during N-400 application process?


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Hi, my husband has recently applied for citizenship and his fingerprinting is over. Now he might have to travel to Dubai on some business purpose. Will this overseas travel complicate or delay the process? Please let me know ASAP as his journey is due next week and I have to book the tickets. If there is something like one should avoid travelling, could you also tell me how long is the time span?
Yes you can travel during the N-400 processing. However, you cannot predict what the USCIS will do. He may get an interview letter in a one or two months after fingerprinting, or in six months or in a year. I strongly advise that whatever traveling he does, the he makes sure to have someone (you?) check his mail, and that he has an easy option to fly home with a week or three's notice.

When he goes to the interview, he should point out his travels and update the "trips" section of the N-400.

Also, until he actually swears the oath, he is bound by the "continuous residence" and "physical presence" rules (it's best not to leave the country for long (more than 6 month) trips, and he must have at least 30 months in the country in the five years before the interview and before the oath.