Can Jim Mills help me please?


New Member
Hi Jim,
I have no idea on how to handle my problem, since you are an attorney
would it be possible for me to hire you, the problem is though that I live in Rochester NY.

let me outline the situation.
I am 22 French citizen, My father is a naturalized American (13 + yrs).
I can in the U.S at 17 (few months before I was 18.
My dad did the I-130 and I-485 we went thru all the process but i was over seas for the interview and I didn\'t go.
Anyways my case was closed.
Now I had a work permit expired in 1999, but I have been working since, I just stopped a few months last year. I just filed an other I-130 and I-485
my father is still the sponsor but been in the army he got transfered to Germany. I have no money so I am working illegal on my ssn, now what is my status and is my application on jeopardy because of my working, how can I rectify it.

please respond. my e-mail is or I check this forum everyday so if you answer and need me to contact you I will. thanks Kay