Can I Use G1 License as my ID for PR Pick up?


Registered Users (C)
Thanks in advance for your help. I have two questions.
1. Can I use my G1 license issued in Jan-2001 and expires in Jan-2006 as one of my ID to pick up PR card?(In addition to landing paper, passport, and pick up letter.)

2. Can I drive to canada by road without PR card?

Thanks again.
It says on the letter that if you do not pick yoru PR card in 180 days from the date of issue of the letter , it would be destroyed and you would have to apply again ..

Wait to be contacted by CIC for the Issue of PR Card
Hi! Bhand:

Actually I had to pick up in Mid Oct 03; so I think I need to pick up before Mid Apr 2004.

As I have passed my original pick up date; can I just go there and pick up? or I need to call and make an appointment?

What identifcation is required? Is my passport enough?

Thanks a lot Bhand...

Mayank Dave
I Think your letter will say that you could pick it up anytime , but please confirm with what the letter says

Your Passport and letter is enough for pickup