Can I send application, FBI clearance separately?


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Can I send the application now and then after a month the FBI clearance? This way I think I can save atleast 1, 1.5 month time. Any advice on this....

I just got my FP done. Now I have to send it to FBI for clearance. In the mean time can I send the application to the Embassy? I already got the local police clerance. Will I get any tracking number from consulate, after sending the application, which I can use while sending the Police clearance?
Yes, you can send application first and finger print later.

Believe me, I sent it after 6 months, it was just reached in Interviwer\'s hand before 1 day of interview.

Even, if finger print is not reached to Interviewer, your application can be approved(Interview arranged), but you will not get visa paper in your hand until you submit Finger print paper. Once your interview is over, then you may send them by mail whatever is left stuff(finger print paper). Once, all required papers are reached in hand of interviewer, then you will get visa paper. they will mail it to your address.
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Will there be any tracking number for my application form, so that I can include it along with the FBI card? So that they won\'t loose it or throw it....

PKP: You shoud wait till File# assigned to your case.

Wait for month or 2. you will get file#.
Then send \'FBI stamped\' finger print card(s) to Canadian Consulate alongwith your file#.
Can I send application and my daughter\'s passport information seperately?

Hi, I want to apply for Canada green card. But I just have a child. It will take a while to get her birth certificate, social security card and passport in series. I thin the kid does not have to get a Canda visa since she is born here and have US citizenship. Can I file the application without her passport information now? Thanks
Candie, you can always send updates to your file

As and when new information available you can send it to processing center.
Candy, You can send application.

I also had same situation.
You write your Kid\'s name in application, and at his/her \'Passport\' section, right \'Applied\'. And once you get baby\'s papport, you may send photocopy to Candain consulate later along with your file #.