Can I relocate office within the same company after my 485 passed 180 days?


Registered Users (C)
I have a situation right now which needs your help: I am currently in Cleveland office of our company,but I want to relocate to New York Office within the same company. And my 485 has passed 180 days. But when I talked to my lawyer, my lawyer told me that I could not relocate, even within the same company. He said AC21 only mentioned you could change your employer but did not mention you could relocate office. Is it true? Your comment is greatly appreicated!!!!

I don\'t think it\'s a problem. The same organization is providing you the job. it\'s thier discreation to keep you where. We are in the same situtaion. We are re-loacting to another office in another state which is under another INS office. I didn\'t heard it\'s a problem from the HR or Attorney