Can I file N470 and N400 together?


New Member
When I left the states 2.5 years ago, I had only 1 month left to fulfill my 5 years as an LPR for citizenship. Last month I returned to the states(with a valid re-entry) after living 2.5 years for religious employment(N470 category 6) overseas. I can file N470 to preserve my residence.
My question is, can I file both the n470 and n400 forms together as I have already met the 5 years of residence if they approve my N470. Appreciate any help on this.

Thank you.
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N-470 instructions, When to File Form N-470? (page 6), #2, says:
You do not have to be in the United States to file Form N-470, but you must file it before you have been absent from the United States for a continuous period of one year.
This is consistent with 8 CFR 316.5(d)(1)(i):
An application for the residence benefits under section 316(b) of the Act to cover an absence from the United States for a continuous period of one year or more shall be submitted to the Service on Form N-470 with the required fee, in accordance with the form's instructions. The application may be filed either before or after the applicant's employment commences, but must be filed before the applicant has been absent from the United States for a continuous period of one year.
So it seems it is too late to file N-470, if you already had an absence of more than 1 year.
Thanks for the answer!
Maybe I didn't explained clearly, I was actually employed as a religious worker, which falls under the exception stated right under the instructions you quoted:
"Religious Workers Exception to the One Year Absence Requirement Religious workers may apply: 1. Before departing from the United States; 2. After departing from the United States; or 3. After returning to the United States. Religious workers are not required to have lived in the United States for a specific period of time prior to filing Form N-470."