Can I file more than one I-485?


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hi Everyone;
I'm wondering if it's allowed or possible or even legal for asylum who has submit I-485 to get sponsored for green card from job ? or in other word is it possible or legal to have more than one I-485? will it slow my I-485 application? or will it has any effect on my current I-485? If the answer is yes then If one of the I-485 application is denied will it has any effect on other I-485?
My I-485 is submitted on August 2000. Anyone has any experience with this ? Anybody especially somebody who has experience with this, please reply. :confused:
I am on the process of getting GL from employeement based with 1-485 aslyum based pending. Now, i am still on the stage of applying the Labor certificate, after that I will fill the 1-485 again, but I have to close the case of aslyum(per my attoney) before I apply new employeement based 1-485.
jenny1234 said:
I am on the process of getting GL from employeement based with 1-485 aslyum based pending. Now, i am still on the stage of applying the Labor certificate, after that I will fill the 1-485 again, but I have to close the case of aslyum(per my attoney) before I apply new employeement based 1-485.

My understanding (based on correspondence with senior USCIS officials in Washington) is the they permit multiple submissions of I-485s. You are not required to withdraw an I-485 until you are actually granted adjustment under another section of the law.

As an aside, I think it is not wise to withdraw an asylum based I-485. There are no assurances that you can have your employment I-485 ultimately approved. If that application is denied you will then have to refile the asylum I-485 and wait in line all over again (over ten years if you are filing today).
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I can second Gilberts comments. I was told by USCIS that multiple I485 are legal, in some cases even necessary.

In the past INS viewed multiple I485 with suspicion. Recently they allow multiple submissions (I guess they found out that they get a new fee every time around.)
Gilbert said:
My understanding (based on correspondence with senior USCIS officials in Washington) is the they permit multiple submissions of I-485s. You are not required to withdraw an I-485 until you are actually granted adjustment under another section of the law.

As an aside, I think it is not wise to withdraw an asylum based I-485. There are no assurances that you can have your employment I-485 ultimately approved. If that application is denied you will then have to refile the asylum I-485 and wait in line all over again (over ten years if you are filing today).
Hi Hilbert:
Really, it is really good news for me, I will check with my attorney regarding this. In fact, that is really dilemma for me to file a new 485 with closing another one. thanks for your inform.