Can I claim umemployment benefit? Please share your thoughts.


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Just got laid off last Friday. Talked to my attorney yesterday. Asked him whether I could collect umemployment benefit and he said YES. Double confirmed with him whether that would affect/damage my GC application and he said NO. But I just read the post below from and start being not so sure about what my attorney said. Please share your thoughts especially if you have similar experience. Thanks in advance.

Updated 08/30/2002: Minnesota Court Ruled Laid-off H-1B Ineligible for Unemployment Benefit

• The Minnesota State Court of Appeals has ruled that when a nonimmigrant alien is admitted to the United States as a temporary worker for a specific employer and the employer terminates the alien’s job, under United States Immigration and Naturalization Service rules the alien is “out of status” and is no longer eligible to work in the United States. Because the alien is ineligible to work in the United States, he is also ineligible to receive unemployment benefits under the plain language of Minn. Stat. § 268.085, subd. 12(a) (2000). Read on. (Courtesy of Robert Weber, Esq.)

• The same rule may apply to other employment-based nonimmigrants, such as L-visa, TN-visa Canadians, O-visa, P-visa, H-2B, H-2A, etc. etc. in that the status is tied to continued employment by a specific employer.

• Regardless of the eligibility of the unemployment benefits under the law, this web site warned that the laid-off H-1B should not visit the State unemployment benefits office to claim the unemployment benefits as the state offices can contact the INS offices. This Minnesota court decision not only confirm that the unemployed H-1B is not only ineligible for such benefits under the law, but also reminded the community that such aliens are "illegal!"

• This raises a question on whether those former H-1B aliens who started working on EAD after filing EB-485 adjustment of status would face a similar consequence. It appears on the surface, though, that such alien is not required to maintain any nonimmigrant status and the alien remains in status "pending" adjudication of EB-485 application. At least theoretically, such alien's "status" is not contingent upon continuing employment with any given employer and unlike an alien working on an employment-based visa status, such alien who has been working on EAD may have a valid unemployment compensation claim, applying the analogy of the Minnesota Court of Appeals' decision. However, people should recognize the distinction between the consequences of unemployment on unemployment benefit claims and the consequences of unemployment on the immigration. Unemployment during the first 180 days and claim of unemployment compensation benefits can bring a serious immigration consequences because the alien is required to prove the "continuing existence" of petitioned job with a specific employer who filed the labor certification application and/or I-140 petition and notice of layoff to the INS through the State unemployment office during the 180-day period may be taken by the INS as an evidence that the petitioned I-140 job no longer exists. Therefore, even if theoretically the alien may be entitled to a claim of unemployment benefits, "practically" such benefits may not be claimed by the alien because of the potential consequences on the pending EB-485 proceedings. Theory and reality are two different things!
Well I dont see any response from proclaimed expert so far.

Why cant laid off H-1B go back india?
You cannot claim unemployment benefit, do not even think about it. You can switch jobs after 180 days from receipt date under AC-21 and continue the I-485. You priority should be to get a similar job as quickly as possible. You are a few days short of 180 days - can you stay on the payroll till thats done or get a paystub from your company for September?
In order to get unemploymetn benefit, don't we need Alien Registration card number. Is this number same as A# on the EAD card
Employment Exchange and Unemployment Benefits

Hello Everybody,

My wife is a software engineer with more than 3 years of experience. When she came to US, she was on a dependent visa – H4 and inspite of trying hard she was not able to find work and/or a sponsor for filing her H1. So basically she has never worked in US on a H1 (or any other) visa.

Now she has a ‘Pending I-485 Adjustee Status’ and also has an EAD and a Social Security Number. So:
1. Is it OK if she registers in State Employment Exchange for assistance with regards to finding employment? Would this affect our GC in any way?
2. Can she claim Unemployment Benefits? If yes, then in case she claims the same, would that affect our Green Card petitions in any way?

Appreciate your replies.
Re: Employment Exchange and Unemployment Benefits

Just in case everyone starts attacking me, because I am looking for Unemployment Benefits and the green bucks, then please let me clarify that it is not the case.

My wife is looking hard for employment and would prefer working, rather then claim Unemployment, sitting at home. Because of my job, her geographical reach for a job is limited and that could be one of the problems.


Originally posted by 180DaysGuy
Hello Everybody,

My wife is a software engineer with more than 3 years of experience. When she came to US, she was on a dependent visa – H4 and inspite of trying hard she was not able to find work and/or a sponsor for filing her H1. So basically she has never worked in US on a H1 (or any other) visa.

Now she has a ‘Pending I-485 Adjustee Status’ and also has an EAD and a Social Security Number. So:
1. Is it OK if she registers in State Employment Exchange for assistance with regards to finding employment? Would this affect our GC in any way?
2. Can she claim Unemployment Benefits? If yes, then in case she claims the same, would that affect our Green Card petitions in any way?

Appreciate your replies.
don't think about getting unemployment money, think more about getting a job - which will bring $$
Your wife cannot claim Unemployment

Because to be eligible for Unemployment she should have worked in a tax paying US concern for a period of 6 months. During this pediod of 6 months, the employer contributes on her behalf a particular amount to the government as SUI(State Unemployment Insurance). That is if in future she is laid off from work, the employer is paying kind of an Insurance premium to the government. Also the job is a proof that the said person is eligible for employment and so he/she can try for a similar job in another concern during the unemployment claim period. The government needs constant proof that the said person is on the lookout for a job .

If you have to get defensive about a question even before the first response is received - then you should know better than to ask such a question.
Apart from the fact that you need a work history before you claim unemployment. Have you considered the fact that instead of sitting at home trying to get a job for 3 years you could instead go out there and make more money working a minimum wage job than unemployment benefits.
EAD allows you to do any type of legal work unlike H-1 status which is very restrictive...
Didn't expect so much reply...

180DaysGuy, Optimystique is absolutely right that your wife is not eligible for unemployment benefit since she never worked in US. I am 100% sure since I just read something from NJ Labor Dept. regarding the unemployment benefit for my own purpose.

Anita Gupta, don't scare the s**t out of me. I read from so many boards and my attorney also assured me that as long as INS didn't adjudicate my case within 180 days I am ok to switch jobs before 180 days. So regarding the validity of my I-485 I think I should be absolutely safe.

Back to my question, st8, how do I check with the state? I will file claim against NY while I live in NJ. It would be much better for me if I could claim UI because I've got mortgage, property tax, child care expense, etc. to handle. If I could land a job within two months, of course, I would be OK. But I am considering the worst scenario.

After all, is my attorney wrong? Should I check with him again?

If you claim unemployment benefit, the very premise of a employement based GC is defeated.

In what way your attorney is interpreting rules, is beyond comprehension.
Dear habib

It looks like you want to send all laid off H1-B workers to India irrespective of their citizenship.

Read the complete message before commenting.

xdai is from CHINA not from INDIA.



One of my friend in Durham, NC got laid off after getting his EAD and after 180 days of filing I-485. His RD was July 18th,2001. He claimed unemployment benefits ($345/week including his dependent) before getting his GC approved. He got his GC approved without any RFE a couple of months back & he is now in a project.

So, I think xdai, you can go ahead with your unemployment benefits. I think your lawyer is right.
I am in a similar boat. I got laid off after 180 days. I spoke with my attorney today regarding unemployment benefit. He said that I am eligible to collect unemployment benefit.
xdai, I was looking at the online form where it requires Alien Registration Number. Is this the EAD number or the A#, or is it a different number assigned when the I-485 approved.

I am not sure about the A#. I think the A# on EAD should be the same as the A# when GC gets approved but hey it's just my pure guess. I would ask my attorney again. BTW, when do you get the online form. Are you also from NJ?

Another thing, since you have passed 180 days while I am not, does this mean that I have to wait for 180 days? Also can you double confirm with your attorney that not only you are eligible for UI but also there is no adverse effect on GC application?

Thanks a lot.
Yes, I am from NJ - but I worked in NY. I am still not sure about the alien registration number. Does anybody know?

I also worked in NY. I'll email my attorney soon. If I get answer from him I'll post it. But seems like my attorney always would like me to set up a telephone meeting with him rather than through email.

Can you let me know where I can get the online form?