Can I apply for OCI for US Citizen Wife?


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I recently became US citizen and applying for OCI for my family

My wife was born in USA and has no ties to India.

Can I apply for her OCI because she is married to me?

I have a similar situation, my wife has no connection to India other than marriage to me. From reading the FAQ document at,

I gather that she can not apply for OCI. I also assume she can only get a PIO visa.

Here is the exact text from the FAQ.

4. Can the spouse of the eligible person apply for OCI?

Yes, if he/she is eligible in his/her own capacity.

Since my wife has no tie to India on her own I do not see that she is eligible "in her own capacity".

Am I reading it wrong? Any help is appreciated.

OCI is only for people of Indian origin. If your wife was born in the US and her parents/grandparents were never Indian citizens at any point, then she is not eligible for OCI.
