Can GC Parents receive U.S. Benefits?


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My parents got their green card recently under my sponsorship (I am a US citizen). Some of our friends's parents in similar situation are receiving U.S. benefits such as subsidized housing and even Medicaid. I hesitated to let my parents take advantage of this because I recall that there were laws passed in the early 90's which prevent immigrants from recieving any public benefits and carry harsh punishments to the violators. Is this still the case? Will those who receive benefits encounter difficulty when they try to obtain citizenship eventually and will their sponsors (such as myself) have to repay all the benefits received in order for them to be cleared for citizenship application?

I am very ignorant about immigration laws. I sincerely hope those who are more familiar with the situation and the immigration law gurus here help with this topic.

Thank you in advance.

David in Utah

Thank you for your are truly an immigration law guru! I want to say thank you for your free service to this foram for all the needy people here!

In my mind, you are a hero...
