Can Asylees Visit their home country while waiting their case ?


New Member
Hello All ,

I am glad to join your great forum .

I need to know is it right that asylum seeker whose case is in process cannot return his home country until 6-8 years after his asylum request ?

In other words , If any up-normality or circumstances had happened in his home country that implies his return will the USA authorities leave him visit the country where he claim that he face threat ??

and if yes will that negatively effect the Credibility of his asylum case

Thanks a lot for coopeartion :confused:
traveling will affect your credibility

If you applied for asylum is because you have a real fear that your life might be in danger. Returning to the country of prosecution will imply that you don't have that fear any longer and/or will be difficult to demonstrate this fear.

There is not a time frame for returning to the country of prosecution after the asylum is granted. Some people indicate that never, other say that after you become a US citizen, others say after you have green card. However the last one (returning after receiving green card) might complicate your US citizenship path. Some people not even return in case of a close relative sickness.

In any case, consult an attorney and after hearing different points of you you should be able to make your own decision.
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