Calling DOS


Registered Users (C)
Dear all,

I have been trying to call DOS to check my pending status and ask question.
I was put on hold for 2 hrs and no one answers. Anybody knows a differenet number?
Any tips on calling DOS?

Pls help...
Waiver Office Phones
Dear Chicho and J1s:

I have this list of contacts at the J1 waiver review division at Washington:

Bingham, Roberta I.** (202) 663-1207**
Chun, Jinny** (202) 663-2800**
Davis, Pharas L.** (202) 663-2800**
Felton, Marilyn C.** (202) 663-2800**
Jones, Clara M.** (202) 663-2873**
Jones, Elena** (202)663-3793**
Kavalou, Anfisa Anna** (202) 663-2800**
Kim, Amy** (202) 663-2157**
Marshall, Teresa Mae** (202) 663-1743**
May, Katy J.** (202) 663-3793**
Miller-davis, Christy L.** (202) 663-2874**
Pryce, Marcia E.** (202) 663-2800**
Robinson, Karen L.** (202) 663-2800**
Sims, Jeanette** (202) 663-3981**

This list may not be updated, but most of the contacts are true. I tried this number: (202)663-3793*and got a convincing response.

Good luck,