called IIO today


Registered Users (C)
The incorrigible optimist in me forced me to call INS again today. I spoke to a nice and courteous woman. Here is the frustrating part. She did not know that there is a freeze on 485 approvals. As far as she is concerned, nothing changed. Every one else, except INS, seem to be knowing that there were no actual approvals in the last three weeks. She wanted to know the websites that had related news. I gave her a couple. It beats me, how could they not know, inspite of working day in day out in an INS center.

My RD is 8/10/2001. Response to RFE was recieved by INS on Nov 21st.

Note: Please refrain from using bad language to address IIOs.
I certainly would. That will be just shooting the messengers. They are not responsible for the mess. Problem is much higher in the structure. The political will to support immigrants is slowly becoming a rare commodity.