Called IIO. Says Assigned to Officer


Registered Users (C)
I called IIO 2 weeks back. She said my case is in queue. Called again last friday she said assigned to officer on Thursday. I checked AVM around 30-40 times in the last 2 months. I called IIO 4 times in 485 stage. Do I need to worry about RFE because I called so many times?

RD 9/21/2001
ND 11/17/2001
Take it easy

I dont think that anybody gets an RFE just bcos, he calls more than a particular number of times....

I know that Lawyers talk to IIO's regularly to find out the statuses of the cases under them...

So it really doesnt make a difference if U call too...

Take it easy....I know, it is easy to say..
But do U have any other OPTION??
Do Not Call Every Now and then...

1. RFE has nothing to do with the calls to IIOs..
2. And, there is NO use in calling them regularly....

Better, stay in touch with your lawyer who will do it !
Do they count checking AVM?

Thanks for your responses. I didn't call IIO's many times. But checked AVM so many times.
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When Can I expect the decision?

How long does it take to know the decision once it is assigned to officer?