called iio just now!

jj cc

Registered Users (C)
and was told that my case(RD: 4/23) hasn\'t been assigned to an officer yet. was told to wait for another 30 days. since they\'re currently processing 4/1.
I just called too, iwas told now they process by nd, not rd

and she said they are processing nd=4/12,
any comments?
This conversation of RD and ND is so old, there is no point

in talking over it again, in my opinion. People who want to believe
it is ND can believe so, and people who believe RD can believe so too. What is the point of arguing. We will NEVER come to a consensus. I believe it is based on RD, because on my finger print notice, my priority date is my RD. I have also checked with a IIO before. I am sure some one else has an experience to support ND to be the case. I quit arguing now.
i used to belive RD too, but I am reporting the fact.

I am wondering if different ISS officer speaks differently.

I sincerly hope they go by RD, because, my RD and ND has almost 3 month gap.

I\'d love to hear somebody tell me they still go by RD. after today.

I know my RD, but what\'s the ND, and how can I find it? Thanks in advance

It looks like RD

From the experiences of various members of this discussion group and and their I-485 approval dates it looks like INS goes by RD.

But I could be wrong as the RD and ND of those filers before Jul 01 had about 2 or 3 days gap between RD and ND. So there was no difference really between RD and ND. But after July 01 the gap started widening and especially after 9-11 it became more. Well the good news now is that INS is into Apr 01 and lets hope they move at the rate of one month a month.

All the best to all of us
Looking at all the postings..

It sounds like both does not matter. What matters in your luck. Time and again this discussion comes up and it does not end. But, somehow RD around the end of the month would get approved when they start for that month.. the ND might be next month. Let us hope all of use get it fast. Hey, actually ours are all moving real fast compared to guys who applied in August/Sept of 99.
IT IS BY RD because

We have seen a few RD\'s April cases approved with June and July NDs. If VSC approved by ND then these cases wouldn\'t be approved because VSC would approval all cases with ND prior to May. By the way, some IIO really don\'t know what they are talking about, please don\'t mislead by them. Follow the common sense & your own observation
