Called FBI for FP issue


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Hello friends,
I called this morning FBI to find out about my finger prints.One Nice Lady received and asked my A# and told me same day we sent to Service center.
This is only for FP and I have no idea about name check and other checks.

my exp.
TNo. 304-625-5590
press 3
Customer Service person receives the call and a nice lady/some one pickups
after formal introductions like good moring etc
She asks why you would give your FPs
ans : For I485 Adjustment staus

thats it and she will tell you when you give your fps and what day they received and when they sent to Service center.
I got 2 LUD changes. Should I call FBI to verify FP check ? I am not decided on this. I did not know that these new efforts are there to know the satus until I joined this forum. Any advise for me?
I also called this number sometime back.

they have sent the FP results on the same day back to INS for me and my wife.

Does it mean my FBI namecheck cleared. Not sure what this mean?
FBI name check and FP

hello friends,
After you gave your finger prints, Immigration dept send to FBI, they checks criminal backgrounds only , they have separate depts to do for FP and name check. Reason, when I called FBI, before pressing 3, we will listen some message like : you have reached FBI Criminal branch something.... it means they checks only crime rate information, if they found anything they will forward to police for futher clearences. I am not sure but this is my guess.

How it works,
After USCIS entering your biometrics information on their system same time system will sends your information where to go. This is automatic process.
The system will connects to all subsystems.
Thats the reason FBI receives our biometerics same day, verifies and sends back to USCIS .

Guys this is what I am thinking, I am not sure how the subsystem works, If I am wrong please correct it.
The 2 numbers itself are different WV-FP , DC-NNCP

it is surprising how some people here can get confused by calling the WV numbers
hss_MD said:
hello friends,
After you gave your finger prints, Immigration dept send to FBI, they checks criminal backgrounds only , they have separate depts to do for FP and name check. Reason, when I called FBI, before pressing 3, we will listen some message like : you have reached FBI Criminal branch something.... it means they checks only crime rate information, if they found anything they will forward to police for futher clearences. I am not sure but this is my guess.

How it works,
After USCIS entering your biometrics information on their system same time system will sends your information where to go. This is automatic process.
The system will connects to all subsystems.
Thats the reason FBI receives our biometerics same day, verifies and sends back to USCIS .

Guys this is what I am thinking, I am not sure how the subsystem works, If I am wrong please correct it.

hello friends,
to contact FBI no: 304-625-5590. They are located West Virginia and it is the same number for whole USA. FBI didnot tell you whether the fingerprints rejected or they found anything negative.
I would ask the same question as many have asked here but got no CLEAR reply::
I gave my FP 2 weeks ago. I called the FBI number of W Varginia & got the same reply as you all "that it has been sent to service center the same day"..
So the Question still remains::

1. Is Criminal check & name check different?
2. Is there any other number to confirm if your "name check" has been cleared?
3. Since Criminal check is being done on same day, is "name check" cleared the same day too?
...Anyone having clear answer to these?
we are all in the same boat friend

Hello friend we are all in the same boat and still waiting for responses.. some people are lucky and some are not

please take a look the information below:

FBI Name Check Primer
I am not a lawyer and I cannot be held responsible for accuracy of the information below.
Please use this document at your own risk.
· Section I – Name Check Explained
· Section II – Contact Info
· Section III – Possible means to expedite name check
Items in BLUE are those items about which I am making an intelligent guess and cannot be
Section I – Name Check Explained
The Name Check’s official name is the National Name Check Program (NNCP). It is
synonymous with FBI Background Check, Security Check etc. The National Name Check
Program (NNCP) has the mission of disseminating information from the FBI's Central Records
System in response to requests submitted by federal agencies, congressional committees, the
federal judiciary, friendly foreign police and intelligence agencies, and state and local criminal
justice agencies. The Central Records System (CRS) contains the FBI's administrative, personnel
and investigative files. The NNCP has grown exponentially, with more and more customers
seeking background information from FBI files on individuals before bestowing a privilege - -
Whether that privilege is government employment or an appointment; a security clearance;
attendance at a White House function; a Green card or naturalization; admission to the bar; or a
visa for the privilege of visiting our homeland; more than 70 federal and state agencies regularly
request an FBI name check. The USCIS is one of its biggest customers.
The name checks are handled at FBI Headquarters at Washington DC.
In my understanding a name check consists of running the applicant’s name and date of birth over
multiple government records – not commercial records like credit reports etc. This will tell the
agency if there has been any activity on your name ever i.e. if you were a convicted criminal, a
witness in a federal case, a person who was investigated etc.
Name checks for Naturalization was initiated after Sept 11 2001. I am unsure if the program
existed for Naturalization applicants before that time.
Many people report incredible lengths of delays with name checks. The reason for this is that the
system (computerized system) is unable to conclude weather or not you are a person of interest.
An analyst has to then intervene. The reason could me multi fold like you having a very common
name (Asian last names for example) or your name matches that of a person that FBI dealt with
in the past etc. This could take 1 day or over a year. Another reason for delays is that this
department is grossly understaffed.
I think that the name check requests are sent after a finger print result is received. I just happened
to notice this with many applicants.
Name check requests are automatically initiated by the Service Center and are done for all
applicants. There is another check called the CIA check that is not done for Naturalization
applicants. CIA check is done for I-485, Amnesty and other applicants.
When the system searches for your name and does not find any indices, it returns “NORECORD”
as a result. This is what majority of people will have for a status. A “No-Record”
means “No-Objection” from the part of the FBI for Naturalization.
However presence of a record by itself is not always adverse. Just means you have been involved
somehow with something that FBI has a record on.
The Records name checks are supervised by Agent David Hardy who is the Chief of the
Record/Information Dissemination Section in the Records Management Division (RMD).
Mr.Hardy’s boss is the Assistant Director, Records Management Division is William Hooton.
Section II – Contact Info
Every single phone and fax number mentioned is available on the internet – if you know where to
look. I have just arranged them into one useful chunk.
Please use these phone numbers and fax numbers (especially the Asst Director/analysts) with
discretion. Believe me you don’t want to nag the FBI too much or enrage them - in your own
FBI Fingerprint Status (304) 625-2000
FBI Name Check Status (Main Line) (202) 324-3625
FBI NNCP Public Inquiry Voice Line (202) 324 2399
FBI Name Check Inquiry Fax (202) 324-3367 (Mention Name/DOB/A#/Ph#/Addr#/Email/Fax)
FBI NNCP Analyst Diane Berger – (202) 324 0680 (Do not nag the analysts)
FBI NNCP Supervisor Renee Morton – Call the FBI main line and ask for this person.
FOIPA Contact Person Debbie Beatty (202) 324 6182
FOIPA Fax Inquiry (202)-324-3752
William Hooton – Asst Director RMD Office – (202)-324-7129 (Use as a last measure only)
USCIS Expedite Criteria (Contact Info is for Vermont Service Center only)
You can use info to request for an expedite for almost all applications handled by the
service center.
All expedite requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are granted at the discretion of the
Service Center Director. The criteria are as follows:
· Severe financial loss to company or individual.
· Extreme emergent situation.
· Humanitarian situation.
· Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the cultural and social
interests of the United States.
· Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request must come from
official United States Government entity and state that delay will be detrimental to our
USCIS error.
· Compelling interest of USCIS.
If a response to the expedite request is not received within 72 hours, the request is denied. The
application or petition will then undergo normal processing.
General Expedite Procedures By Fax
The VSC has always been strict with respect to approving requests for special processing.
Individuals who are seeking expeditious handling can FAX the Center at (802) 527-4816 to
request an expedite.
The fax line is available 24 hours a day. Expedite requests are reviewed Monday through Friday
from 8:00AM to 4:00 PM.
General Expedite Procedures By Mail
The VSC will also accept EXPEDITE requests through WRITTEN Correspondence.
A letter requesting the expedite of a case along with any supporting information should be mailed
to the VSC. The envelope MUST be marked with "EXPEDITE REQUEST".
lease mail expedite request to:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Vermont Service Center
ATTN: Expedite Request
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, VT 05479
Use this as a template to file your FOIPA request. Modify it to suit your information and
fax it in to the FBI. Contact Debbie Beatty at (202) 324 6182 for more info
Make sure you send a Privacy Act request to check if FBI has a record in their Central Records
System. It is important to see if there is a record or not. If you get a ‘No-Records” response and
your name check is pending for a long time, you can take this information to Mr. Hardy/Mr.
David M. Hardy, Chief
Record/Information Dissemination Section
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535
Fax: (202) 324-3752
Dear Mr. Hardy:
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.
section 552a, please furnish me with copies of all records about me indexed to my name or my
identifying information, maintained in the Central Records System (CRS).
To help identify information about me in your records systems and/or programs, I am providing
the following identifying information:
Full Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: January 1, 1981
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Social Security Number: 123-45-6789
Current Address: 123 My street, City, State Zip
Home Phone Number: 555-555-5555
If you have any questions about handling this request, you may phone me at 555-555-5550 (day
or evenings). Please respond to: John Doe, 123 My street, City, State Zip
John Doe
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
correct and that I am requesting release of my records to myself.
Executed on [date].
Section III – Possible means to expedite name check
This section is based on my learning and guess work only. Don’t take it to the bank
1. File a FOIPA request at the time of filing your N400. Since both requests (FOIPA and
Name Checks) are handled by the same RMD department, I assume if they trace your
record once, the second time will be easier. Also in case of unusual delays (over a few
months) you can appeal with this in hand.
2. Fax a name check request monthly and call the voice line every so often. This will
familiarize your name with them.
3. Write to Asst Dir William Hooton and explain your urgency in the best way you can.
4. In case of unusual delays (over a few months), contact your Congressman and ask him/her
a) Request for an expedite from the FBI
b) Write to the Congressional Asst Dir, Eleni Kalisch to appeal
c) Have them contact an FBI legislative liaison and check on your case often
5. Never lose hope. Ultimately the system works, its just slow for some of us
8&selm=Es7Lb.85895%24I07.420177%40attbi_s53 _(Search google groups for postings by aurora for name check info)