Call to Customer Service


Registered Users (C)
What the hell? :mad:
I called to customer service (1-800-375-5283) and asked about my pending I485 case. A person there told me that she cannot give me any information, because I have employment-based case and my employer must call them!
Did they change rules (I called there about a week ago and nobody ask me about my employer) or I just got an incompetent representative?
Well, i the question is regarding 485 then they should be able to answer it. If its I140 or Labor, then your employer has to call. Atleast, thats my understanding.

Call again. Hope someone else picks up.
avi101 said:
Well, i the question is regarding 485 then they should be able to answer it. If its I140 or Labor, then your employer has to call. Atleast, thats my understanding.

Call again. Hope someone else picks up.

Yes, it is (it WAS? :) ) my understanding too. I tried to explain a difference between asking about 140 and 485 to that lady, but looks like she didn't get it.
In that case it is better to just disconnect the call and try to call after couple of days or a week. Hopefully you will get a better rep..

I called once and they said my case was transferred to local office.. when i called again i was lucky and got a better rep and she took all my info to get the stauts..

Most of the reps doesn't know anything.. Dump folks..Good Luck
Thank you, guys!

I just called again and this time I spoke with a very nice lady, who gave me all the information I needed. I asked her if I need to ask my employer to call like I've been told before, and she said this is BS (for my category).
Can you tell me the options to select on phone to get thro to talk to rep at NSC.
booz said:
Can you tell me the options to select on phone to get thro to talk to rep at NSC.

Be aware that this is not NSC! This is some private company which are somehow connected to INS and can send an inquiry there. So, you don't speak with an INS officer, but with some messenger.
Anyway, here are the numbers (at least it worked in my case). After selecting English: 2-6-(need to put your case number)1-3-3-1.
I called the NSC customer care number(1-800-...) and spoke to a customer care represenataive
She told me that they are currently procesing cases with PD March 01 2002 and since my PD is March 22nd 2002 I will have to wait.
Did anyone else did this reply?
Is there anyone whose PD is after March 22nd 2002 and any progress in their case? I am planning to call them again next week to check the progress.

PD:March 22nd 2002
EB2 India
I140,I485 RD:June 22nd 2005
I140 approval: Jan 4th 2006
Another example of CSR incompetence!

I called the other day and talked to CSR, and I was telling her about the VISA availability (PD, long pending AOS etc. and all that business). You will not believe that first she asked me are you calling from US. I did not expect that question but did answer her yes. Then she says to me that since you are alreday in the US you do not need a visa!! What a joke! However, I will not generalize this incompetence. Once I got a very nice person (Indian or Pakistani I am guessing) - he was very thorough and helpful.