Bush - Vs - Kerry - Backlog Reduction


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Maybe we have a better future after the elections...

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Where Bush Stands:

Bush says he is committed to reducing backlog and improving all USCIS functions. In 2000, he pledged $500 million in new spending to help meet this goal. ’’We will bring to the INS a new standard of service and a culture of respect,’’ Bush said. Bush also changed the INS to the USCIS, under a plan to separate immigration services from enforcement services. And he proposed allowing relatives of permanent residents to visit the U.S. while their own immigration papers are being processed.

Where Kerry Stands:

Kerry says that "Today, despite all the promises, our immigration system is broken." He promised that, if elected, he would eliminate backlog within his first 100 days in office.
Where Kerry Stands:

Kerry says that "Today, despite all the promises, our immigration system is broken." He promised that, if elected, he would eliminate backlog within his first 100 days in office.[/QUOTE]

Kerry ( if my memory serves me right ) he will sign/introduce a bill to reduce , tackle the problem , and grant legal immigration to illegals in the US.
Never did he say that he will eliminate backlog in 100 days.
Also granting amnesty to all illegals do you even know what that will do.that will delay the already delayed legal AOS applications .
Al Aois,

You may be right. I am not endorsing either candidate. I found this article and wanted to share it with the community.

All I hope is that whoever wins, commits to get this backlog out of the way

Good point ! At the same time, we need to understand that "it's all about politics". They made it purposely to get the support from one particular ethinic group, and didn't care about skilled legal immigrants.
You are right .But it is not only Indians who are held up due to USCIS delays.
But yes the VOTE bank is with the Mexicans /latinos.
or rather the future VOte bank.
But all this will end by November and then we will see who actually does what to reduce backlgs or immigration reforms.
My guess is "nothing"
I feel its better if the current govt. continues. If new Govt. comes then who know what happens to the existing immigration reforms that are going on. "Reducing processing times to 6 months" is the best we can ever hear( not considering if they are really doing it.) atleast USCIS said this.

But for sure the immigration dept. will freeze for some time doing nothing if new president takes over the white house. And the best excuse they can ever give.. As govt. changed we are ...trying.. sleeping.. bla bla ...sucks...
Who cares about Indians? As it is Indians are being a pain due to the threat of loss of jobs to India, so don't cry "We are from India - we are your tech strength"...BTW, I am from India, b4 u all start shouting at me.
Right now the latin speaking populace is a priority and this will be more true in the future too. In another decade, latin / s america will be an economic force like India, esp Brazil and Mexico. Latin america is more attractive from a sourcing point of view as it is centrally located btw Asia, Europe and Americas.
Americans view India as a nuisance. On the other hand Brazilians are not clamoring to get to US. Policies are made by politicians, politicians are made by people, people (thoughts) are made by jobs (economic wellbeing of family, self).
Indians are considered nuisance since they want to live here and take jobs away by ggoing for lesser salary and also take jobs away by sending jibs back to India. Who would want to help Indians with this paradigm?
registrationid said:
Who cares about Indians? As it is Indians are being a pain due to the threat of loss of jobs to India, so don't cry "We are from India - we are your tech strength"...BTW, I am from India, b4 u all start shouting at me.
Right now the latin speaking populace is a priority and this will be more true in the future too. In another decade, latin / s america will be an economic force like India, esp Brazil and Mexico. Latin america is more attractive from a sourcing point of view as it is centrally located btw Asia, Europe and Americas.
Americans view India as a nuisance. On the other hand Brazilians are not clamoring to get to US. Policies are made by politicians, politicians are made by people, people (thoughts) are made by jobs (economic wellbeing of family, self).
Indians are considered nuisance since they want to live here and take jobs away by ggoing for lesser salary and also take jobs away by sending jibs back to India. Who would want to help Indians with this paradigm?

Well a very anti-Indian statment from an Indian, I must say ! All that you have stated is being used by people who are against outsourcing and against immigration. I am surprised you have produced these point of views. Let me also tell you that outsorcing is not all that bad as it is made out to be. By outsourcing some jobs companies are able to be competetive and thus survive. If a company does not outsorce at all, it may lose all its profit and be wiped out. Do you think this is good for US economy ?

We are in a global economy and it does not matter which country labor comes from, but we will always see an influx of foreign workers. So why are you only blaming Indians ?? During the internet boom when US needed skilled labor, it 'imported' Indians software guys in the thousands. Now that the boom is over, they are saying why did you come, we do not want you!

Bottomline is atleast we should have a positive image of ourselves and try to teach others what good we are doing and how we are contributing to the US economy. There are always two sides of a coin my friend!
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I totally agree with you. registrationId is shouting like a lost puppy. Let say India is not part of outsourcing. But brazil or some el salvador or some other south american country will get the jobs and US companies will definitely go there or china or japan or somewhere. This new global business emerged because of computers internet , latest technical innovations And we are leadign in this business. I dont think location is the issue. Based on his theory every other country will be a nusiance to US. We dont have to blame our country because we are struck in this immigration mess. India will be No.1 in the Information super Highway and any south american country will never get to where we are in this industry. they are good for tourism etc.. may be they are good for this industry but who cares.. my India will see them from Top.
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I am not against outsourcing nor am i for blatant outsourcing. If there is an economic need, go ahead for it. If not, do not go for it. I am not against indians coming to US, for it would be gross hypocrisy on my part.
I am just asking indians to realize the ground realities that are in play against them. If the jobs of people in this forum are sent to india and if they lose their employment, would they even get a green card? Forget GC, one will not even get an LC. Secondly, if somebody is for outright outsourcing (and India is booming in that area), why are folks (I mean Indians who are getting upset with my arguments nad opinion) in this forum hanging on dearly to jobs here and hopes of GC, alongwith the accompanying stress?
Tommorrow if those outsourced jobs get sent to SA or philipines leading to , boy, there would be some amazing radical slogans against western capitalism in India. Will the Indians be willing to move to Philipines or Kenya alongwith the jobs? Yes, I want free movement of people and jobs. BUT IS that what people really want? I can say that Indians really want is free movement of between US and India or UK and India or a rich nation and India. They r not clamoring for free movement between Brazil and India or Africa and India. Fighting for free movement of labor between nations would be baseless without fighting for an equal compensation and global currency.

I am against monopoliztion of technology by the west. I am for free and equitable movement of people and labor. What I am against is the bubble like, hasty and herd mentality of outsourcing. It is not good for India and not good for the other parties. Outsourcing to India has been happening for the last 3 yrs and has there been a seed of innovation, creativity, sustenance sown? In a decade, this wave will move on a like a flash flood in a desert...
I ask these tough questions because it is easy to be jingoistic. Indians are as jingoistic as Americans or anybody else. If I want to get a GC and live here, I want my job to be here. If India is the "future", why are Indians in this forum trying so hard to be here?
There are no easy, straight answers.
Interesting discussion this ! I think registrationid is going on a totally diferent tangent. Here we are talking about the good and bad of out-sourcing and also importing labor (aka H1's !). We are not discussing why we are here and not back in India ! All that you have stated, are your own predictions and this is not a reality. I will try to answer some of your questions.

First who is says outright out souircing is good ? I am just saying outsourcing as such is not ALL bad. It has its good face also. So why should we only see the bad face. Are you sure that the bad outweighs the good in this case, absolutly, absolutly sure ?? Also, I do not know of a single US company that shut down its entire operations and mover offshore. Outsourcing is an extension of its operation, that allow it to keep its profits from being diluted and in cases to increase the profits. So what is wrong in that ??

Secondly you ask why we are here and not back India? First of all, I find it a pretty amusing question, coming from you, a GC aspirant yourself ! And the answer to that is obvious, 'these' people are here not only for the job and the money that goes along with it, but for the 'American Dream' and the lifestyle that America can afford. It is not just a question of earning, we can sure earn good even in India. But earning money is not the only factor. The 'developed' nation factor is what makes US more attractive than India, and that is why 'these' people hang dearly to the jobs and hope of getting a GC. Also, this is not all one way arrangement. That is what my point is. If America can give a good life with high standards, then we too, as profesionals contribute in our own ways. And no one (Mr. Lou Dobbs included), let you persuade otherwise.

I say let the free market and global trends decide what is wrong and what is not, what is fair and what is not. Right now, we don't know if this is bad or good. So why join th bandawagin that says outsorcing and importing labor is bad ? Especially us ?

Bottomline is, you are mixing up two issues. One issue is about whether outsourcing and importing workers is wrong ? The other issue is why we are here.

Let's all forget about this election stuff. Any idea what is going on at NSC .. No updates nothing ..