Brother'e asylee application rejected


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He just got his application rejected, while me and my 2 sisters got ours accepted a year ago. What is the next step he should take, his life would really be in danger if he's forced to leave the country and we feel we have a strong case, with our whole family(parents included) being in the US. Can anyone help please!!!!!! This is urgent, and if anyone has advice, good routes to take, it would be very helpful.
Clinical729 said:
He just got his application rejected, while me and my 2 sisters got ours accepted a year ago. What is the next step he should take, his life would really be in danger if he's forced to leave the country and we feel we have a strong case, with our whole family(parents included) being in the US. Can anyone help please!!!!!! This is urgent, and if anyone has advice, good routes to take, it would be very helpful.
Let me get this straight: when you say his application was rejected does this mean he met an immigration officer who rejected his asylum claim? If this is the case, you need to assure him that he will be automatically referred to an immigration judge. Now, I am not sure if your brother has a lawyer or not. If so, the lawyer will do his/her best to help your brother. If not, let us know which area you live in and someone may suggest a good lawyer to you. in 1996, I was rejected by an immigration officer only to be approved by an immigration judge a year later. So this is not the end of the world. Your brother has a good case since all of his relatives were approved. He was just unlucky since he had to deal with an immigration prick. Good luck
Well, 95% of hearing cases by asylum officers are denied. Most of them probably have no clue
and never heard about your country. :rolleyes:
Most Immigration Judges they used to deal with justice before, now they just seat there and (denies 90%of cases) are very scared to approve political asylum, they in most cases not even interested to give you good opportunity.
So is very important you to have good experienced attorney. Even if you get denied bi IJ
you don't have to worry because of backlog which is getting bigger every day, it will take many years for immigration to ask you to live, if you get denied, You got to appeal, dan motion to reopen, federal court, supreme court, it will cost many $$ but you will still be here, by than something will happen.
I am going through all this. So you relax and enjoy this freedom and this great country.
Remember you need good attorney.
Care2much said:
Well, 95% of hearing cases by asylum officers are denied. Most of them probably have no clue
and never heard about your country. :rolleyes:
Most Immigration Judges they used to deal with justice before, now they just seat there and (denies 90%of cases) are very scared to approve political asylum, they in most cases not even interested to give you good opportunity.
So is very important you to have good experienced attorney. Even if you get denied bi IJ
you don't have to worry because of backlog which is getting bigger every day, it will take many years for immigration to ask you to live, if you get denied, You got to appeal, dan motion to reopen, federal court, supreme court, it will cost many $$ but you will still be here, by than something will happen.
I am going through all this. So you relax and enjoy this freedom and this great country.
Remember you need good attorney.

Hi Care2much:

Thank you very much for your post. In fact I am going through some hard time for my LC and Deportation proceeding. I was a bit worried what will happend to my case, but really after reading your post I got some courage now. Your post inspired me now as you said the backlog thing.

Thank you, I will be in touch.

Care2much said:
Well, 95% of hearing cases by asylum officers are denied. Most of them probably have no clue
and never heard about your country. :rolleyes:
Most Immigration Judges they used to deal with justice before, now they just seat there and (denies 90%of cases) are very scared to approve political asylum, they in most cases not even interested to give you good opportunity.
So is very important you to have good experienced attorney. Even if you get denied bi IJ
you don't have to worry because of backlog which is getting bigger every day, it will take many years for immigration to ask you to live, if you get denied, You got to appeal, dan motion to reopen, federal court, supreme court, it will cost many $$ but you will still be here, by than something will happen.
I am going through all this. So you relax and enjoy this freedom and this great country.
Remember you need good attorney.

You should NEVER expect an Asylum Officer or Immigration Judge to know anything about your country. You are the one requesting asylum and it is your burden to educate the AO or IJ about the country conditions and why you have a well founded fear of persecution.

Do not expect the AO or IJ to know anything. You need to prove your case.
Hi Orissa ,
Well I forget to mention one more thing, in same time while my hearing proceeding was going on president Clinton at a time, declared amnesty for people from my old country,
my attorney, and IJ had no clue about that. In mean time US was bombing a hell out of country, you could see on TV people, pregnant woman and children getting killed in both side, All world new about that but IJ , nope he thought I was here because of economic reason. Still to this day even with pics and documents difficult to approve case, even good attorney know that, but they will say oh yes I will win this case, of course you know why they must do that.$$$$ Hopfully something will hapen.

Remember you need good attorney,and I wish you good luck .