Bringing parents to US as visitors after the new rule change


New Member
My parents are in Bihar ,India and they would like to visit me in US.I am trying to schedule an appointment for visitor's Visa.
I was wondering :
1. which HDFC Bank, Calcutta or New Delhi , do they need to go to in order to get the Visa Fee Receipt number.
2.Can somebody get the Visa Fee Receipt number for them or my parents need to do it personally(physically present)
3.If somebody else can get the Visa Fee Receipt number , what documents does he/she needs from the applicant to be presented to the bank while getting the Visa Fee Receipt number.
(I assume these are , the first pages of the passport, Non-refundable Application Fee (MRV Fee): US$ 100 =Rs 4400 and Non-refundable VFS' Service Charge: Rs. 276 )

I will appreciate any suggestions.
