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Mchandra’s EAC# proves he may be wrong.
The person, who’s ND is 09/21-Tuesday, says his EAC#99-271.
For 09/22 – Wednesday Eac#99-272
For 09/23 – Thursday Eac#99-273
For 09/24 – Friday Eac#99-274
For 09/25 – Saturday Eac#99-275 (if VSC works)
For 09/26 - Sunday ----------- leave.
For 09/27 – Monday Eac#99-276
For 09/28 – Tuesday Eac#99-277
For 09/29 – Wednesday Eac#99-278
For 09/30 – Thursday Eac#99-279. This is the last day of 99 cases.
I don’t know how Mchandra got 99-283. I may be wrong if the person who posted EAC#99-271 for ND-09/21 is not correct. I also remember someone\'s EAC#99-277 for ND-09/29 (if VSC did not work on 09/25 - saturday, works.). If I am wrong forgive me.

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Kiranhegde2, Your EAC#99-264 for ND 09/13 and EAC#99-271 for ND -09/21 are matching considering VSC worked on 09/18 (saturday).
So MChandra is a Fraud. Sorry for this strong word. This is to discourage fraud through this wondeful work of Mr. Khanna.

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Hello Suji,

After having read your post, I have analyzed my EAC and found something strange. Can you explain how my EAC corellates to my ND?

EAC: 001025 ND 02/22. RD 02/15 (I think)

PD 01/97, EB3 India

Maybe INS is messing up EAC numbers?

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I didn\'t understand the word "I think", do you mean you are not sure on RD or ND. But without excluding holidays your EAC number points to ND 02/21. If you include holidays then it points to 02/23. Your ND should be one of the above. Can you recheck on that and let us know. Thx.
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Thanks for the good intentions you have. But not everyone on this board is patient enough to understand the reason behind your posting and appriciate it or try to support you. Some posters get offended and take it personally. I tried to raise a question based on my doubt and one woman jumped on me like a mad dog. People want to hear Oct 99, Nov 99 case etc getting approved so that they can develop a sense of advancement. So, they do not want you to say that it is false and take away their excitement. If you try to discourage fake approval messages, they just jump on you. If the original poster is really genuine poster, he/she will understand the difficulty in believing everybody and try to answer patiently and clarify the questions. Others just start barking.
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I had clearly stated my ND, I am not sure of the RD. However, I\'d like to know how you arrived at 02/21 for EAC001025. I know my ND and is 02/22. Hope this helps.
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EAC# for ND-02/21 is EAC#00-102 can be correct provided all the Saturdays after 10/1/1999 till February end were not working days of VSC.
EAC# calculation is going on like as follows.
Month Working days including Saturdays No of Saturdays
Oct-99 26 5
Nov-99 26 4
Dec-99 27 4
Jan-00 26 5
Feb-00 18 3 (upto 2/21)
Total working days including Saturdays = 123, No of Saturdays = 21
So 123-21 = 102. The number EAC#00-102 is ok of ND-02/21. Consider holidays (thanks giving, xmas) and some Saturdays VSC worked. I hope you got it.

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Hi bhanu,
Sujatja\'s posting is what I intended. According to that for your EAC the ND should be 02/21. So it means that VSC has worked one Saturday or worked one holiday or there is a mismatch.

My thinking was VSC is always closed on Saturdays and Sundays. It was my assumption.
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When calculating no of working days do you use the number of days VSC actually workrd? In that case it should be ZERO! :)